
Carry on

Thursday, 13 March 2014

DSCF4208 DSCF4212 DSCF4213 DSCF4214 DSCF4216 DSCF4220
Jumper: Primark
Scarf: Market
Leggings: New Look
Shoes: Charity Shop

Firstly, how amazing are my leggings. Normally i wouldn't stray from the simple black leggings, but when i saw these, i just had to have them. The daisies are so cute and i've hardly been out these leggings since buying them. I also love this jumper, it's a mens large from Primark, usually i wouldn't go for a polo neck but something about this jumper just really appealed to me.I really like this cute little scarf i got from a market stall, the horse print is lovely, and it's really a great accessory. As you can see i'm now including my shoes in my outfit posts, do you like this, or did you prefer without? Let me know as your input is really important to me guys!

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Unknown said...

Your look is so cool and comfy! I also wear black leggings, but these daisy printed are really cute.

Jasmine xx
For a Real Woman
So easy Spanish!

Inez said...

Cute outfit hun, xoxo.

Anonymous said...

I much prefer to see the shoes you are wearing as it completes the outfit and the look you are going for :) also your looking really well nice to see how you are doing xxx

Francesca said...

love the hair babe


Beautyblogpage said...

Love the leggings! x

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