
Spot the difference

Saturday, 15 March 2014

DSCF4221 DSCF4225 DSCF4226 DSCF4232 DSCF4234 DSCF4240
Shirt & Sunglasses: Primark
Necklace & Shoes: New Look
Skirt: Miss Selfridge

So i think this little ensemble is a bit creative, using two different pieces of clothing with similar patterns and wearing them together to achieve this look. I think it's quite a smart look, and the sunglasses are a great sophisticated touch. This would be a great outfit to wear to an event, but in my case i'd have to substitute the wedges, as i last no time at all in any heeled shoes unfortunately. I thought the necklace, which i haven't worn since getting it for Christmas, looks really good underneath the collar and it's nice to have a bit of bling going on when wearing an outfit.

I really hate having this cast on, but hopefully by the times this posts i'll have had it taken off, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

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Laura|Daisychaindream said...

Fingers crossed you're cast free now. Love the mix of dots! xx

Anonymous said...

love your shoes, didn't think you could wear high heels with your eds problem? x

hayleyeszti said...

Mixing the two polka dot prints works really well :) I hope your poorly wrist/arm gets better soon, I remember how awkward my cast was when I broke my writs a few years ago, you will feel pure relief when it comes off! x Hayley-Eszti

Bisma Rauf said...

Love your polka dot outfit :)

Check out my new post Here!!!

Panty Buns said...

Your black on white polka dotted Primark blouse looks great paired wit your white on black polka dotted Miss Selfridge skirt. I hadn't noticed your cast until you mentioned it but I like the pink colour. The colour of your hair is pretty too.

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