
Stay the night

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

DSCF4197 DSCF4193 DSCF4199 DSCF4200 DSCF4202 DSCF4207
Shirt: Charity Shop
Gilet: Karen Millen via Charity Shop
Shorts: New Look
Heels: Boohoo

So these photos are the most recent of me taken. Considering i'm currently in the Priory i'd scheduled loads of post to post while i was in there, but now i get to come home on weekend leave i thought it'd be nice to do a more current post. Anyways, so this outfit is a bit rock n roll, it's got a real edginess about it. I'm loving the little gilet, it's something i found in a Charity Shop and got really cheaply, and considering it's Karen Millen, i think it was a great buy, at a bargain price. I thought it'd look nice over a white shirt therefore making the gilet pop. I've worn this with a pair of faux leather shorts, and i think the different materials of the black pieces of clothing creates a really nice, effective look.

I HAVE PINK HAIR AGAIN. Oh, and a pink cast. #clutz

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laura|daisychaindream said...

I love this outfit, you and your pink hair look AMAZING xx

Unknown said...

You look great!! xx

Anonymous said...

wow love those shoes! x

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