
Vintage Items #1

Sunday, 31 July 2011


Spent some of the day clearing out some of things at my Grandma's today, not a pleasant job, but a job that has to be done none the less. Going through everything and deciding whether to keeps things or to throw them away or sell them is so hard. I had the difficult job of going through her clothes, some of the pieces she owned truly were magnificant, but they all smelt of her which brought tears to my eye. But anyways, i got to decide what i wanted to keep.

Here is my one of two posts featuring some of the items that i have decided to keep for myself, the second post will feature this time next week. (i've queued some posts to post when i'm away) All these items are Vintage.

Shirt: A very delicate short sleeved lace shirt. The lace detail on the shirt is of flowers and looks very victorian. I don't particularly like the way it buttons all the way up to my neck, it makes me feel kind of neckless, so i've decided it looks best on me with the top two buttons left undone. This shirt is so beautiful!

Top: This top was part of a suit set a matching skirt with the same print came with it, but it did not fit. Is it just me or from a distance does this top looks like the pattern is of loads of snakes intwining with one another? Perhaps it's just me. Infact the pattern is golden and green leaves and flowers, pretty odd, but i like it. The shoulders have a slight padding to

Cardigan: A real 100% wool, knit chunky cardigan. Perfect for the upcoming colder months which are fast approaching which is perfect for me as i feel the cold incredibly. I like the way grey and white stripes look so innocent together, to me they appear really angelic, so i know i'm going to feel mega cute wearing this.

Cardigan: This cardigan has like an ivy pattern going down both breasts of it and the buttons look like pearls. There are no labels on it to tell me what material it's made from but it's quite warm to wear, and although it doesn't look it, it's actually quite thick.

I understand that these photos aren't giving you a clear look at what these pieces look like, but i thought i'd show you what the front and the back of these pieces look like. Obviously you'll get a better view of these when i'm wearing them and feature them in an outfit post, which i'm most certainly going to do soon!



Vanessa Mercado said...

great outfits! they all look so warm, comfy and laid-back!

Estefanía Ainoza said...

Of course! I follow you!

Gertrude said...

I really love the first blouse!

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