

Friday, 29 July 2011


Top+Skirt+TightsTopshop Cardigan: Vintage

First time you've seen me in a tube skirt in a long while! I really dislike the way tight fitting clothing shows off every imperfection, it really is such a moodkiller and i don't think i can ever really feel confident or comfortable in something tight fitting, such a shame when some of the truly best items of clothing are figure sculpting. But thats by the by, my own opinion. I'm wearing a black dress on underneath, but we'll pretend its a top, i'm such a cheat haha, the crease you can see a quarter of the way down the skirt is the dress sitting there as it looked stupid baggy. I love this vintage cardigan, it's so cute and feminine, i like the fact it's quite long too, much more of a fan of the long cardigans than the shorter ones, i personally think that they're more flattering.

My poor boyfriend and his friend were the only 2 in their group NOT to get their suitcases in Zante! There was a fault with one of the luggage conveyer belts and their luggage, among with many others on their flight didn't make it onboard and is still at London Gatwick. They flew out on Thursday and may not get their luggage till Monday!! Must say, i feel incredibly sorry for them at the moment. So a note to all you travelling, MAKE SURE YOU PUT A TAG ON WITH YOUR DETAILS! Just incase this happens to you! Luckily they both did, but i'm sure there were people on that flight who won't be seeing their luggage again to having no tags.

I spent my day today with two of the girls i'm going on holiday with, was nice to have a good catchup with them and share our excitement among eachother! We went and got t-shirts printed up too! I'll post a photo of mine tomorrow to show y'all. They say 'I <3 Zante' on the front (obviously with an actual heart) and then with nickames on the back. The nickname on my shirt is 'Posh', mainly to do with my obsession with Victoria Beckham, but also because i dress quite poshly. I didn' particularly want a name such as 'Clumsy' or 'Clutz' on the back. A really good nickname hit me once we'd got them printed though, i should of got 'Bambi' on the back, because everyone always tells me how cute i am and i'm extremely clumsy.. ohwell suppose that's an idea for next year! Any of you really excited for your holidays? Where are you  off to?



Erin said...

That vintage cardigan is beautiful. I love the whole outfit actually, really suits you! x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous outfit, and you've really worried me about Gatwick's luggage issues; I'm flying from there tomorrow! Fingers crossed x

Katie said...

That sweater is fantastic! xo

Unknown said...

I think you look great in your outfit no faults at all! Particularly love your cardigan. That is such a shame about your bf's luggage, although I do think men cope a little better than women in the situation. Enjoy your holiday, so jealous I'm going no where this year x

minnja said...

Lovely outfit :)))

Please visit my English Fashion Blog:


purse 'n boots said...

love this!!! you look adorable. and thank you sooooo much for your awesome comment----glad you like my blog! hope you have a great weekend! much love!

ashley <3

the nyanzi report said...

love the outfit and i hope you enjoy your time away.

Camilla said...

That cardigan is so sweet, really suits you

x Camilla

LOVE dress giveaway on my blog :)

Hayley said...

That cardigan is lovely :)
I've already been on holiday this year.. I went to the Isle of Wight in April with my boyfriend. We're going to Paris for new year though, so excited!

Catherine said...

beautiful look, wooow! LOVE your cardigan <3


OH LA LA. Great colour palette -- very Chanel. Beautiful!

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