Yesterday was such an almighty horrible day. My mum took me to hospital about a midday and i was there until 10pm. I had acute chest pains, bellyache, was up all evening with a raging temperature and throwing up. Was horrible. Mum took me to hospital where they did a couple ECG's and found abnormalities with my heart.. brilliant. They said it wasn't anything serious, but it needed to be looked into. They were going to keep me in but they didnt' have any beds, so i was sent home (Thank god!) but i've told i have to go back to have an echo-cardiogram which is like an ultrasound of the heart to see if the abnormalities they found are something i've always had or something thats developed. Fingers Crossed it's okay :)
Uh oh.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Yesterday was such an almighty horrible day. My mum took me to hospital about a midday and i was there until 10pm. I had acute chest pains, bellyache, was up all evening with a raging temperature and throwing up. Was horrible. Mum took me to hospital where they did a couple ECG's and found abnormalities with my heart.. brilliant. They said it wasn't anything serious, but it needed to be looked into. They were going to keep me in but they didnt' have any beds, so i was sent home (Thank god!) but i've told i have to go back to have an echo-cardiogram which is like an ultrasound of the heart to see if the abnormalities they found are something i've always had or something thats developed. Fingers Crossed it's okay :)
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Oh Hun. Really hoping you are feeling a little better. Reading that made me go straight into mommy mode and want to give you a gentle hug.
I know how worried your mom must have felt and how rotten you nuts have been feeling too. My youngest suffers with heart issues and whistle she is always really big and brave I just want to swop places with her.
Get well soon hun. Sending lots of love and hugs.
X x
Oh my what awful spelling. Mind you i did chuckle at nuts instead of must!
And whistle instead of whilst!
Hope they made you smile too.
X x
Hope there's nothing to worry about and you feel better asap :}
get well soon!
i'm sure theres nothing to worry about :)
ellie oxoxoxo
Hope everything's okay! I'm sure it will be :) <3
Love Ellen
aw i hope you get well soon, i'm sure you'll be fine :) xx
Oh no, hope you're okay! D:
I hate those needles in the hands/arms!
Hope you're feeling better now :) x
I'll send positive energy your way.
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