
1st of June.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


top + shorts: New Look
shirt + tights: Topshop

The first of a new month. A new beginning, a new start. Just what the doctor ordered i think. I love the beginning of a new month, i feel like i can put the old month totally behind me and start this month off a new, refreshed and revitalised. If i don't go to plymouth, it's now exactly 6 weeks till my holiday with Sam, which means my healthy eating regime is a go. No more takeaways or junkfood for me, i plan to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables in order to try and achieve a summer body. To think it's June already! We're already halfway through the year, 6months ago, we celerbrated bringing in the new year, and i remember it like it was yesterday.. crazy!
I apologise for my major bad photo quality, i still have no camera, which is so depressing. Didn't realise how hard it would be too blog without a camera. It's really annoying me that my blackberry takes such rubbish photo quality images. Boring lounge about outfit i'm wearing today, farmer-themed. Wish i had a straw hat to wear with this, very festival-esque.



Ellie..♥ said...

love your outfit!
and i know howw fast is this year going :)

ellie oxoxoxo

Carlinn said...

I love a new month but it also reminds me on how fast time goes! :)

Rachel - Notes from my closet said...

I know what you mean! this year has gone SO fast! I do love a new month but I also fret about whether I have managed to do enough the moth prior, ha ha :) crazy me :)

Love, Vanilla

daisychain said...

LOVE your outfit x

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly the time flies?! It's my 19th birthday this month, seems like only yesterday I was turning 18. You look lovely, I don't think you need to work on any kind of "summer body" at all! :) xx

Please may I? said...

The year has flown by so fast. I can't believe it.

How are you now? Feeling better I hope.

X x

Sophie (Little Mittens.) said...

I'm totally loving june already, I can't believe it's halgf way through the year! xx

lulu said...

why do you never smile on photos? you're so beautiful :)

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