

Thursday, 26 May 2011

New addition to the 'Melville Household'
Cat numbero 8! (YES 8!, Mothers a bit of a cat lady haha!)
How cute is he though? Ickle boy, white with black patches!
It's my daddy's birthday on Sunday so me & Sam managed to persuade my mother to buy him as a present from us for my dad, muhaha.
One problem? HE NEEDS A NAME! Ideas welcome please!

(Also, my cameras broken! So there won't be any outfit posts for the time being, unless i get major bored and decided to use my awful blackberry quality camera. Will get it fixed asap. SOZ)



Hayley said...

He is gorgeous!
Looks like a Jack to me :) x

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is one cute cat! What about naming him Splodge?:P I thought 6 was alot (years ago) but 8 is amazing ! xx

leni said...

so cuteee. he looks like he's gone a bit OTT on the eyeshadow, so maybe Shadow? Maybe Panda. I'm useless with originality ;) xx

K said...

OH MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE. Yes, that did need capitals. I think 'Maximilian's quite a nice name. Don't know why. xx

Michelle / Daisybutter said...

N'awh your new kitten is adorbz Courtney! Not a clue about names though, I'm awful at that type of thing. xx

Rachel - Notes from my closet said...

Oh my he is adorable! maybe toby? or pickle? hee hee

Love, vanilla

Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Aww thats so sweet :) xxx
I like the name shadow :)

Anonymous said...

I'm useless at names, I liked Jack that Hayley suggested though.. little jack. He's adorable :)

daisychain said...

SUCH a cutie.

Michelle Loreto said...

ADORABLE! Oh my. If my boyfriend would let me, I'd definitely be surrounded by 8 cats. In fact, I'd be really, really happy with all of them, hahah! I'm a cat lady at heart.
Wouldn't know about a name for it, though! I usually pick very unusual names... that take me a while to think of, haha.

x Michelle |

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