
Aura Mayfair

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


It's definately about who you know, not what you know. Silly, but it's true. This is me and my good friend Chloe, honestly one of the nicest girls i think i've ever met! She's a model and works at Abercrombie & Fitch, so has all the connections to photographers and events in London. (Yes, majorly jealous, she has the life i want!) But, she kindly took me along to a Full Moon Party at Aura Mayfair. Free Entry, Free Food, Free Drinks and we were VIP, was absollutely amazing! The flashing lights, the neon colours, was just wicked, loved every second of it.

There was only one problem with this whole evening, and that was that instead of waiting for the 6am train home back to Potters Bar, we were both in St Thomas's Hospital in London, Waterloo. Stupidly and naively we both acceted a drink off some men, and i collapsed outside, hurting my leg in the process. We were taken to hospital, where the nurses clarrified, that yes both our drinks had been spiked. I was admitted on to a ward and was told that i may of needed an operation, they told me that i'd broken my leg. The plate in my leg is holiding the bones together while the new bone growth is growing, and i've got an obvious fracture through the bone growth. They can't put me in plaster because the first break was due to an operation, so i'm toe-touch weight bearing with crutches. Told you i had the worst luck, was the last thing i needed!



Anonymous said...

ah that sucks - not a good end to the night! but you will learn from this :) that's what i always tell myself when things go tits up.... i've 'learnt' a lot - not that I ever remember any of it the next time round! swear you shouldn't be drinking though when on antidepressants? xxx

courtzmelv said...

Your right, i shouldn't be drinking on anti depressants, but i got to that point where i just don't really care and wanted to attempt to enjoy myself... at what cost though ay... stupid me!xx

Anonymous said...

well your allowed a bit of fun every now and then (or more often than that!). was just wondering cos my housemate drank on them and then vommed everywhere... it was lovely!

char said...

oh what bad luck :( horrible to hear about things like that happening! i hope the leg is bearable at least..
thankfully i've been on various meds for so many yrs that i have never done the drinking thing whilst out..i don't think it changes my ability to enjoy an evening though..

Jenna Suth said...

I was reading that so jealous of such a good night out until I read the end. It's so sick that people spike people's drinks, it really ruins the night! I hope the leg doesn't cause you too much trouble and heels quickly! xo

Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Omg, it looked like such fun but Im so sorry for you! You dont deserve that! You did deserve some fun tjough and it looks like you were having it....dont worry we all make mistakes :( xx

K said...

Oh bloody hell that's awful, poor you :( I hope leg's better soon! xx

Ella said...

sounds like the night was great - up until your awful experience! hope you are feeling better babe. thats such a horrible thing to happen to you xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

Anonymous said...

Owch, you poor thing! I hope you heal well xx

Michelle Loreto said...

Love the UV paint! Looks like you had an awesome time.

x Michelle |

Teresa said...

Great photos! Looks like you had a ton of fun that night!


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