
19th May

Thursday, 19 May 2011


dress + tights: Topshop
jumper: New Look

Gone for a bit of a school girl look here i suppose, i was wearing this scalloped collared dress with a cardigan, but i thought it was time to upgrade to a jumper when my lips turned blue haha! I'd never usually go for something like this, but it felt good to try something different, not gonna lie though, did make me feel all young again haha.

Such an emotional and mentally draining day today, so much to take in! I'm not going in to much detail about what the nurse said because it's not something i particularly want to talk about, but on the plus side, i got my anti depressant dosage upped to double, and i'm hoping that it'll start to change how low i'm feeling, keep your fingers crossed for me!



essentially aimee said...

Fingers are crossed for you, darling! You look great.


Rachel - Notes from my closet said...

Fingers crossed! :) I love your outfit as always hun :)

Love, Vanilla

Angela said...

I love this outfit, you're right it is still pretty chilly though! Hope you feel better after today x

K said...

That outfit looks brilliant :)
Fingers crossed xx

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous. I like the school girl look :)
fingers are crossed for you xx

Anonymous said...

I've never thought to wear a jumper with a collared dress before. It looks very sweet and dresses the dress down for day time wear. Definitely will be trying this look out in future. Thanks for the tip! :)

Natalie x

Anonymous said...

p.s. Liking your blog's new look :)

Natalie x

Law1sfab said...

Oh hunni sorry to hear that, and you don't have to go into detail it's your life kitten share what you want too. I hope that things start getting better for you, slowly but surly you are such a sweet girl and strong kitten. I love this dress on you BTW :)
I think it's great that you have got help hun, some people don't and it can get worst for depression ( I didn't for ages and I wish I had). You won't always be on the anti's, but if it's helping you deal with things now babe than that's great. You will get where you want, but it takes time, take it easy and don't push yourself (I speak from being in that place). The main thing is having the support of others girly, and you seem close with your family which is wonderful. I love that you are open about it hunni, some people feel a shamed when things get tough (I was a total idiot about it). Your a great gal and things will get better for you doll even if it doesn't seem like it.
Hugs and kisses xxxx
P.s if you every need a chat, I'm here tweet me up :) xxx

Unknown said...

ok THIS is what I want to look like! perfect outfit. love!


Summer said...

What a cute outfit <3 I really like your blog, I'll go read more now! :)


Emma said...

i love that dress, the polka dots and collar are adorable. nice layering too :)

Analisa said...

Fingers crossed :) That dress with the jumper is so adorable!

PinkBow said...

love the dress. hope you're feeling ok xx

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