
Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol

Friday, 15 April 2011


Sophie (Little Mittens.) said...

I'm tres jealous of that gorgeous house!! x

Gertrude said...

Wow so many birthdays! Looks like a fun girls night :) xo

Please may I? said...

Sounds like you had a great time.

X x

Emma said...

haha ring of fire im assuming is the same as kings? where each card means something. best drinking game, we play it all too often and its lethal but i love it

LillianZahra said...

Sounds like you had a fun night, love your blouse! x

Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Looks like you had a great time, you do deserve your bf your amazing babe :)
He sounds lovely, and I dunno how James pulls off that outfit, he looks amazing!
Jealous much?
izzy xxx <3

Hannah. said...

Looks like you had a great night haha!
Aww you're boyfriend is so lovely! :) xx
P.S. I L-O-V-E what you're wearing, it's gorgeous! :) xx
Great post, love Hannah xxx
Also, I'm having a giveaway, maybe you'd like to enter? :)

Anonymous said...

omg, i think i recognise James- does he work in the WGC topshop?? lol, sound like a right weirdo

Anonymous said...

your too skinny.

ASD said...

BITCH. why am i only in one photo!?

Reckless Rekha. said...

Looks like you guys had an awesome time. Your look great <3

Stiene Saenen said...

Looks like you've had a great time! x

daisychain said...

the photos are so fun! xo

Unknown said...

ahhh! So jealous, looks like such a great time! I adore your friends bright red tresses, and James looks amazing. panda xo

Unknown said...

oh my gosh you are adorable courtney! your boyfriend sounds perfect :) GORGEOUS photos! I am off to hunt down what kind of camera you use..and if it is not posted anywhere then be sure to let me know!


oomph. said...

sounds like good times! it's good to get out once in a while and drink yourself silly, lol!

Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

God, if your gonna say something nasty 'anonymous' at least have the guts to show who you are.
Your not too skinny babe, just a stupid loser with nothing better to do. Izzy xx

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