
Ignorance is your new bestfriend

Monday, 21 March 2011


jumper, top, skirt, tights: Topshop
nail varnish: Barry M, Mushroom

I think we can safely say judging by the amount of Topshop items i wear, that yes, it is my favourite High Street clothing store! It's just so me y'know? I bought this skirt a while ago, back in September i think, but it's got such a nice Spring vibe to it! It seems to have got bigger aswell, cos' it doesn't fit properly now, i had to keep pulling up, grr, ohwell, was worth it, i like this skirt! Decided to wear it with this white cobweb jumper which leaves fluff EVERYWHERE! I seem to have taken quite a few side view photos today, sozzz!

Had physio today which went well, booked in for hydrotherapy next week with him, pretty borign stuffs. Uhm, been told i need to be put on a real strong painkiller such as Tramadol for my leg as it's keeping me awake at night. Insomina, M.E & severe leg pain really doesn't go well together. No wonder i have no energy, i'm getting about 2 or 3 hours sleep a night, meh!

Weekly plan..
Monday: - Physio & watch the bro play football (he scored 6!!!) See the gorgeous boyfriend!
Tuesday: - dentist. SCARED.
Wednesday: - Family Therapy(yeah, no way i'm going) See Joey & Demi
Thursday - Counselling, Beautician, then watch bro play football with Abby.
Friday: - M.E physio. (possibly go out Friday evening)
Sunday: - Watch bro play football at some stadium with Sam & Adam.
I'm going to be dead by the end of the week haha!

I'll leave you with this, oh yes! NEW LOOK HAUL. muchly appreciated mumsy! <3




Reckless Rekha. said...

loving this outfit the weathers looking great so far in England amazing newlook haul! <3

Anonymous said...

Love the jumper and material shorts you got bought, lucky thing! Weather was so nice today wasn't it :) x

Michelle / Daisybutter said...

Lovely outfit Courtney! Topshop is by far my fave store too, cannot wait to get back to my job over Easter so I can indulge once more! Hope your appointments go well this week love, you've got so much on your plate at the moment! Love the jumper and paperbag waist shorts in your haul sweet. xxx

FromGemWithLove said...

I was going to buy those shorts, beaut!!

LillianZahra said...

Love the jumper you're wearing here. Fab New Look haul too - I looked at that green top today, love it! x

Anonymous said...

I really like your outfit! You look so pretty! Love that jumper and those shorts you bought, too! Xx

Paulina Rutkowska said...

nice look! i like your blog:)

Emily said...

Love how your pictures are outside in all the sun Courts! Makes me even happier to see your face than normal!!
Got to love being spoilt by your mummy, sounds like a good day!xxx

daisychain said...

loveeee your new look haul!

Anonymous said...

I just love the print on your skirt, as you said very Spring like. Wow you have a busy week ahead of you, hope everything goes well for you.

✗✗ said...

Your outfit is very pretty!! I love your haul!! Such great pieces!

Unknown said...

great pictures cute outfit x

Sara said...

I love that white sweater layered over your jumper!

Emma said...

so jealous of your new look haul, i wish we had one! the orangey brown jumper is something ive wanted for ages, one of THOSE things i keep going back and looking at (online of course). aaaaaaaaand your outfit is lush too, love the layered jumper look xo

Steph & The Spaniels said...

You bought some lovely things :) LOVE the shorts, and the newlook top-gorgeous :)
I really love out door photos, think everything looks more happier & brighter- oh how the sun does amazing things to our mood

magic said...

really cute jumper, love it

A said...

Ohh all your new buys look lovely. Your outfit is so summery

Sami said...

I love that floral topshop skirt! Looks great.
Sami xx

Mary said...

You look so pretty with the floral skirt;)
lovely pics!
I just found your blog,it's very cute.I added to your followers:)

Virginia Ibarra said...

love the skirt!

Chrissy said...

I love your outfit. The sweater and skirt look fantastic together. :)

Please may I? said...

Looking as lovely as ever Hun.

Good luck for all you ave this week. Hope the painkillers allow you ge some rest.

X x

Gráinne said...

Thanks for your comment! That's a cute outfit. And your hair looks lovely! I'm hopefully getting my hair done soon, my roots are a sick joke at this stage! I hope you enjoy your ridiculously busy week!xx

Lauren said...

Don't be scared about the dentist! I had to go yesterday and it wasn't too bad in the end!

char said...

lovelky outift, and i really like the green top from new look! :)

Jasmin said...

oooh i have this skirt and loveeee it. your jumper's so pretty! hope the dentist isn't scary after all :) x

Carolina Krews said...

Love shorts ;) i need one like these...

Thanks for stopping by...



The Adventures of a Shopaholic said...

your blog is very cute!

if you want you will be my follower!:)

Anonymous said...

i love that new look jumper biscuit colour its gorgeous xxxxx

Dee O. said...

i LOVE the knit top you are wearing!!! lovely :)


Hello Naka said...

awh such a nice day and outfit ^^ i love the floral skirt :3

Soph'CB said...

lovely outfit, that skirt is gorgeous! X

Ella said...

thank you for your lovely comments, im now following you! your haul is great, cant wait to see them styled up! lovely outfit xx

Unknown said...

Love that skirt, I remember falling in love with it in the store but sadly I just cannot afford Topshop anymore! Love the shorts in your haul, been wanting a pair like that for too long x

Bonnie said...

LOVING your whole outfit.
You are the type of person who can rock anything. <3
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Jade said...

loove this outfit!
i love topshop too :)
cute blog girl.


Jewellery Bijou said...

Your blog is realy great!

I V Y said...

loving this vintage look! the jumper and floral skirt is super cute together! AND OMG YOU'RE FROM THE UK, I CAN TELL BY THE HOUSES, LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS, SERIOUSLY.

visit my blog, follow me on twitter @zebraandmeerkat
and visit my store, xo
xo, zebra and meerkat.

Ecstasy Tablet said...

oh, i love your skirt! you look great! :)

Unknown said...

nice skirt!!!

Abigail Wise said...

That flowered skirt is absolutely adorable! I love how you mixed the patterns too.

Anonymous said...

I want to fuck you

Kenziefaith said...

You are so gorgeous! Absolutely love this <3

KF x

Jan said...

Wow those shorts and that colored top are great!
The knitted jumper is so cute!

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