
baby i was born to survive!

Sunday, 13 March 2011


jumper: New Look
skirt: Topshop
Sams Shirt: Hollister

Made Sam take some photos with me last night, we haven't had a proper nice one together in a while. Here are a few of the ones i made mumsy take. Had a nice night in with him went to Starbucks as i was in need of a green tea then came back to mine, he ate a steak, i had a cuppa soup and we snuggled up watching Take Me Out, and then had a drink and watched tv for the rest of the night, pretty simple,but i love the nights like that. The really make you value what you have, and it's the little moments snuggled up on the sofa, fingers running through hair and little kisses on the forehead that matter most. Can't wait for my holiday with him, absolutely adore my Sam! <3

OH MY GOD. I still can't get my head round  all of this business in Japan and the  taksurrounding countries following the Earthquake and Tsunami. It's absolutely awful, and i'm keeping everyone in my prayers. It's absolutely tragic how natural disaster can strike and be so destroying. It made feel sick watching it, absolutely dreadful. Praying for Japan <3

I haven't blogged much this week, i just haven't felt  up to it. I really hurt my leg, and it's sent me into some crazy downward spiral, it was kind of the last thing i needed. So after getting the news i needed to use my crutch full-time, i managed to fall down the last couple stairs and majorly hurt it and i woke up this morning in floods of tears. This pain is excruciating and it's driving me mental. Tomorrow will have been 6 months exactly since my operation, and i feel like i progressed really well.. and now i'm back to square one. So infuriating, for the first time inn about 3months i actually had to take strong strong painkillers. :/ If you follow me on twitter, you'll know i'm nearly always quoting the lyrics from my favourite song. Lady Gaga's Born This Way. I feel i can relate to it so much, because yes, i have many problems, but i didn't chose any of them, and i can't help them. Lyrics such as 'baby i was born this way' 'baby i was born to survive' and 'baby i was born to be brave' yeah.. that sums me up.

Got a busy(ish) week ahead of me.
Monday, Counselling (mums paying £40 a sesh, really hoping it will help.. feel so guilty about the cost!Tuesday , FINALLY GETTING MY ROOTS DONE! Wednesday,doctors & hydrotherapy.

Also.. thinking of possibly starting an anti-racism campaign as it really does effect me that people think they can judge and insult me cos i'm partially Iraqi. Something along the lines of what Gem did!? What do you girls think!? LET ME KNOW.
Also.. will be annoucing a giveaway this week, so keep your eyes peeled!!



Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures, you two make a great couple. :) Your skirt also catched my eye, beautiful colour.

Hope you feel better soon love, I can't think what you're going through but just like you mentioned be brave, stay strong; Don't let it get the better of you and enjoy your life.

Katie. x

Michelle / Daisybutter said...

N'awh, you two are adorable! It sounds like you've had a lovely little weekend together, simple cosy nights in are my favourites too. Hope you feel a bit better soon honey <3

Chloe said...

you two look soo cute! xxx

Hayley said...

Such a lovely couple :)
I hope you feel better soon! xx

daisychain said...

I hope this week goes well for you sweetie

(don't feel guilty about the cost of counselling, you can't put a price on your wellbeing) xx

daniela kate morosini said...

super sweet post - hope you're better soon :) xx

Emma said...

i love your cute little jumper! sorry to hear you've hurt your leg again, whenever i need pain distraction putting comedy programmes on and eating pasta with butter makes it all so much more bearable! xx

Anonymous said...

self obsessed and pathetic just about sums you up. why do you think anyone could possibly be interested in you? i thought people were joking about your blog i had to see for myself. rest assured i will not waste my life looking at this rubbish again.

Teresa Green said...

^ "Anonymous" above is a fucking dickhead -- ignore them :)

Anonymous said...

anonymous needs to get out of the bitter barn and play in the fucking hay!

ignore them (this is a different anonymous) x

Anonymous said...

Oh your nights together sound so sweet. I love nights like that too.
It scares the hell out of me the earthquakes been happening over the world.

lehappy said...

cute pictures!

Caz said...

Your pictures are lovely :) Hope you feel better soon! xxx

cowbiscuits said...

Ignore the anon above. Your pics are so cute! You have people around you who love you and care, don't let anybody make you feel down about anything. I know it's hard to struggle with a long-term illness when your young that will effect the rest of your life and your lifestyle, last year I went through some bad stuff too. If you ever wanna vent hit me up. I hope your counseling goes well <3 xx

Sarah said...

You look fab! :)

Analisa said...

You two are so cute! I hope your leg gets better :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous, Courtney's ever so overprotective cousin here!

As you can see nobody thought you were clever with your post, in fact we're all disgusted by it! And it just goes to show how obssessed you are with my beautiful cousin. You go to every length to read about her life, and look at beautiful pics of her. If you really hate her then show it by butting the fuck out of her life and worry about your own c*nt!

Love you babe, you're beautiful and don't even think about listening to that twat! :* xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fashion Fabrice said...

Hi there darling! lovely post! you look really cute! i love your outfit:) and the bf is really cute!we're hosting a GIVEAWAY on our blog by the way! Come and take a look:) Participate if you like! CLICK HERE.

Farah @ FashionFabrice.

Have a FABULOUS day:)

Jan said...

Love the outfit!

Krissy ~ style san san said...

aww cute photographs! love the outfit too!Krissy xoxo

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