Apologies as it isn't the nicest picture, but i just quickly snapped it and really couldn't be bothered to take anymore. Oh, la dee da. Once again, i have nothing to say, i do apologize for how dull & boring my life is... if only i was superwoman or something, now THAT would be a good read don't ya think?
I'm in a bit of a bad place at the moment, my head is all over the place, kind of scares me if i'm honest. The next week is going to kill me i'm so majorly stressed. Monday - doctors. Tuesday - leg consultant in London. Wednesday - doctors, then drama performance & hot-seating on 3 characters. Thursday - drama presentation. Friday - M.E physio. So yeah, as you can tell my week is very packed. Still need to fit in having a blood test in there somewhere ugh. Also, did i mention i haven't started ANY of my drama work yet, and i'm still ridiculously behind in media. Yet, i'm totally obsessed with Sims 3 and have spent more time on that instead of working because my mind just won't work. Stupid M.E
Also, in London, if my mum doesn't treat me to some clothes, i think i'ma have a break down. Oh and i need to get Sam something for Valentines day. AGH i need new clothes so bad, probably should throw out some stuff i have now to be fair... looks like i need to set up an ebay account, oh and i should probably get a job. stress.stress.stress.
One to follow?
aw, hope things get less stressful for you :/
Best wishes.
i like your blog :)
You're gorgeous. Your cheek bones are so fierce. That sounds weird? I know. SORRY.
And I hope you have a RELAXING weekend! Destress yourself, gurrl.
I know those kinds of weeks, *squish*
thanks for the love x
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