
OOTD and a few bits & bobs

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Just about to leave for London but thought i'd quickly post before i left. I though that this check shirt went quite well with my woolen shirts and it's not something i'd usually go for, so it contrasts. I decided to wear black leggings with this for warmth as i'm going to freeze! The ring is quite cute and adds a bit of jazz to the outfit and the earrings are quite simple yet cute! I'm not going in to too much detail because i'm in a rush, but i will update you on my day out later!
Shorts - Topshop
Leggings - Tesco
Earrings - New Look

001. Spent a lovely evening with the boyfriend last night, was much needed and long overdue! I'm so lucky to have someone like him, seriously, i really am!
002. My consultant for my leg is going to shout at me today! Well, not literally shout, most likely laugh, i've seen him for a few years and he calls me 'trouble', which i definately am! Theres never a 'simple problem' with me, we always manage to find new ones, or there seems to be a complex problem haha! When i tell him about my numerous falls and he sees my broken wrist he's going to have a fit, which is most likely going to be pretty amusing, good job he adores me isn't it!
003. SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING! I'm pretty excited! Only bad thing!? Me being on crutches, my broken wrist, the busy Christmas shoppers and the cold, but ohwell, i need to treat myself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your outfit, the shorts and shirt are gorgeous.
Enjoy your shopping trip and don't forget to show us what goodies you buy.

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