Okay, so once again, todays outfit wasn't anything special, pretty boring, but hey it kept me warm which was the main thing in this fereeeezing weather! It's so annoying being broken, i actually have no reason to get dressed and would much rather spend my days in my pyjammas, but i don't think that would make for a very good blog post now would it. So if i'm seeing someone, leaving the house for some reason or bored, i will get dressed and do an outfit post!
Long Striped Top - New Look
Woolen Shorts - Topshop
Knitted Tights - River Island
Coat - New Look
Scarf - New Look
Gloves - Accessorize
Uggs - Ugg Austrailia
001. So we got our first and most likely our last bit of snow here today, it was pathetic, rather amusing actually if you ask me considering everyone started to panic when it began to 'blizzard' for a total of 2 minutes! I absolutely love the snow, minus the coldness that comes with it though. The cold sucks, and makes me go blue too quickly! I think the snow is ever so beautiful, but my my when it does snow, England goes into an absolute panic haha! Even with the slightest drizzle of snow some schools shut in my area today! See look how pathetic the amount of snow we got in my area is, i'm not impressed! Not that it matters to me at the moment, with a busted leg being on crutches and a fractured wrist, i'm not exactly leaving my house for any reson, so snow, or don't snow, doesn't bother me.
003. Another thing... i saw these 2 items i really wanted on the Topshop website a couple weeks ago, and as i went to purchase i saw they were both only in a size 16 and were going to disappear off the website in the next couple days, which surely they did. I really hope they come back in stock! I've been checking the 'back in stock' link on the website for about 3weeks now. Was a nice burgandy paperbag skirt & belt, and a pair of camel paperbag shorts & belt. BEAUTIFUL! please come back in stock!
oooooh and i've just realised this is my 100th blog post... yay :)
I'll swap your pathetic amount of snow for the stupid amount of snow Scotland has? It's driving me insane.
Ps; you're far too pretty! xxxx
lovin the stripes girlie xxx
haha yeah ours was pretty shit today ....it melted away after a hour or two and than you just get left with the ice :( which is either worst. I'm the same on the outfit front, mine look horrid as I have so much on to stay warm :) being warm is the most important anyway better than looking fashionable and freezing :P
You're beautiful!! And I love the outfit, it's great.
awe so adorable! i'm in love with your hair♥
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