
OOTD +123

Monday, 29 November 2010

since when did england become so damn cold!!
Today's outfit isn't anything special, pretty plain and simples really.
I've worn a plain black top with a pair of tweed shorts and knitted tights to give a cute little look to the outfit. The necklace is a gold chained watch with a little black bow detail, which sproused up the outfit a bit because i thought it was looking pretty dull. I decided that the outfit also needed a bit of a wintery feel to too, and this cardigain was perfect! It was something that i purchased last year and love because it's ever so snugg and cosy! The pink cast is courtesy of the hospital thankyou very much haha! I therefore apologize for how yuck my hair looks i found it so hard to even attempt to do my hair with one hand :( & i wore this outfit with a pair of uggs to keep my toes warrrmmm!

Top - Topshop
Cardigain - New Look
Tights - River Island
Necklace - New Look
Shorts - New Look

001. Also i posted the other day about how lovely my boyfriend is, and that he suprised me with presents including a pair of gloves AND 2 charms from Pandora yes!? well when i went out earlier i wore my scarf which matches the gloves he got me, oh and they definately managed to keep my hands warm, i was best pleased and majorly happy that he'd got me them, twas bitterly cold earlier. Also the charms he got me, so so cute, a little hedgehog, and another silver charm with a heart, cross and anchor on it, :) How adorable right!?

002. Pretty down at the moment following the death of my grandma in October and i've just found out that a family friend died last night of a heart attack. I didn't know him that well, but it was a shock to everyone, he was going to be 50 next week, the poor soul. It's got to me rather a lot, rest in peace brucey. <3
003. I hope you all like my pink plaster cast! They've managed to verify that i have a small scaphoid fracture in my right wrist, and they've decided to plaster it until the 14th December, so at least it'll be off for my birthday! Until then i'm just going to have to try and manage with my forearm to wrist in plaster and the crutches for my leg haha, so i'm kind of hoping, just this once that it doesn't snow!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you kept warm! Who likes being cold? Winter clothing is deffo my fave because theres a lot of material for what you pay!

Voodle said...

by the looks of that couch, you've been having... A DUVET DAY!

looking lovely chica <3

Mary Lee said...

i really love your cardigan! you are gorgeous :) now following

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