

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Something i love!? Photography. I've always loved it, whether i'm taking the photos or having the photos taken of me, i just feel this connection. It's weird, but it's nice to feel like that. I mean, even from a young age i always used to pose in front of the camera, and let people take pictures of me smiling or posing. I like it, i liked seeing how the pictures came out too. I always used to take peoples cameras aswell and take pictures of bugs i thought were pretty or the sky, yes at a young age i took pictures of random things, which now if taken properly would be viewed as exquiste images. Now i wish to take picture of anything that interests me and turn the photos into a work of art by using editing programs such as Picasa or Photoshop. I definately intend on building photography into a much adored hobby, it's beautiful and ever so interesting!
Today for instance, there wasn't much snow, but i dragged Sam outside with me anyway so that i could atleast attempt to take a nice picture, but with a samsung ST550 at 10megapixels, the photos did not come out at all as i'd of liked them too. I'd really like to purchase a Canon 500d as i've heard such great reviews about it. Apparently it's easy to use and take great quality photographs which is definately something i want if i was to purchase a good quality camera. The Canon500d is quite expencive at around £500, and the samsuing i currently have i got as a present for just before prom because i'd broken my other one. When i asked my dad the price later on he said that the camera was reduced to £200 from £330, so was also quite pricey and still doesnt manage to give the type of images i'd like. Don't get me wrong, i am very grateful that i even have a camera! It's just the camera i currently own is perfect for taken photographs of a night out, photos at parties, holiday snaps or taking quick shots of something important, but the Canon 500d would be the most ideal camera to take pictures of intriguing things, famous landmarks, family photos which are actually nice, acutal good quality photographs which i can be proud of and not embarrassed to claim as my photography and for about £500+ i shoud hope that it would take photographs i can be prioud of!  Photography would make for such a great hobby at the moment, it's something that if i'd of decided to go to college instead of sixth form i was going to take up as a-level, so it is something i am extremely interested in.
Photography is also ever so theraputic and relaxing in my opinion, would be the best stress reliever and i could take photos to express my emotions too. Also, as far back as i can remember i've loved modelling. Just everything about it,seeing models in the magazines, wearing desinger outfits with such grand expressions on their face. I've done a bit of catalogue modelling in the past and i did some when i was younger but as i got older i realised the industry was a horrible place, and as much as i'd love to model,  1) i don't think i'd be able to handle the toughness of the industry, and 2) i don't think i have the right look, or figure that they're looking for.  But ohwell, a girl can dream right!? Even if i can't model, i'd still like to be able to take picture of myself, attempting to get the right look i like, making myself look slim and nice, and also taking photographs of my friends. Dolling them up, and taking photos that they can look at and be like 'wow, these photos really make me look beautiful'. It'd make me so happy to know that i've made someone feel good about themselves just by taking a photograph of them, a photo that them and myself can be proud of. I can't draw very well, and i'm not exactly the most creative person you'll ever meet, but Photography is all about expression yourself in my opinion, and that's certainly what i intend to do if i manage to get a camera like the one picture above for my Birthday of Christmas. I believe that every picture has a message behind it, a hidden depth infact, and i want to capture images like that. Photography is real art, it's beautiful. But i suppose everyone views it differently, and thats why it is really is so stunning, there is no right or wrong answer.. ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get it! It's brilliant the one I have been using for almost a year now! Would recommend!

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