
New Years Resolutions For 2016

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Can you believe that we are at the end of 2015! This year has absolutely flown by! It's the time of year again when everyone starts making resolutions of things to do/stop in the new year, and i have some resolutions of my own. I really hope they are something that i am able to achieve.

  • Start Socialising more. During December there have been reasons for me to leave the house and actually starts socialising with my friends again instead of being cooped up at home and i've actually really enjoyed myself. My anxiety has been a lot better so i'm hoping in 2016 i will get out the house more and do things.
  • Stop Smoking. I know, i know, smokings bad for you etc etc. But i started during a very difficult time in my life, and now i just do it out of boredom because it's something to do. I don't even enjoy it that much to be honest, so i'm planning on going cold turkey and giving it up! Wish me luck!
  • Stop Using My Wheelchair. If you didn't know already, i have a condition that effects my joints, so if i'm going out and not able to sit down i have to use a wheelchair. Well i would really like to get out of my wheelchair in 2016 because i feel like i lose all my independence when i'm being wheeled around in it. So i think i'm going to have to try and strengthen up my muscles etc.
  • Blog 2-3 Times A Week. Now i'm pretty certain this was one of my resolutions last year, but i'm going to give it a jolly good go again and aim to blog 2-3 times a week. I'm thinking one OOTD post, one lifestyle post, and then something a bit random, or maybe mental health related or something.
  • Improve My Photography. I really need to up my photo game and start taking more creative photos. I see everyones blog photos and instagrams look pretty darn cool and then there's mine looking rather average, so i'm hoping to really improve my photography.

So that's it! My 2016 New Years Resolutions! I really hope i'm able to achieve everything on the list so wish me luck. Have you made any New Years Resolutions?

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