
Switch up

Saturday, 29 March 2014

DSCF4317 DSCF4319 DSCF4324 DSCF4326 DSCF4328 DSCF4329
Top: DIY
Blazer: Primark
Jeans: Tesco
Shoes: New Look

So this is a different look for me as opposed to the girly looks i usually go for. This is a bit of a bad girl look, something i'm quite fond of actually. How cool is my tie-dye top? It's something i made myself during arts & crafts at The Priory, i absolutely love it, plus, no one has one the same! I decided to wear all black or near enough to black clothes to emphasise the tie-dye top and it would help me to portray the bad girl image i was going for. The cap is something new for me, i'm still not 100% sure about it, what do you guys think? Sandals have surprisingly made a come back, and i'm actually loving them, so much so i had to buy a pair, which i've totallly fallen in love with!

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Laura//daisychaindream said...

this style suits you so well! xx

Nikki said...

You're looking lovely Courtney! I adore your top- it's so pretty:) X

Unknown said...

Love this look on you!

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