
Leaving our footprints on the ground

Monday, 31 March 2014

DSCF4334 DSCF4336 DSCF4338 DSCF4339 DSCF4344 DSCF4347
Shirt: Boohoo
Jeans: Primark
Shoes: New Look

This look to me is very American. The baseball cap shouts this at me. I'm really loving gingham at the momento, it's never something i used to be a fan of, but as i've got older i've learnt to love it. This pink check cropped shirt is gorgeous. I'm not a big fan of the fact it's cropped, hence why i've worn it with high waisted jeans, but it's still allowed a bit of my stomach to be shown, which i'm not best pleased about, but it's my own fault. If i was concerned about that, i shouldn't of bought it in the first place. But anyways, i think the shirt with the jeans creates a very simple look, and the baseball cap just gives the look a bit of an edge.

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