
Keep your head up

Thursday, 1 August 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
Blazer: Charity Shop
Dress: H&M

So this is what i was planning on wearing to the Herts Bloggers Lunch yesterday, but after hurting my hip, i decided it wise not to go. I bought this new red dress recently and i absolutely love it, it's so versatile and cutesy. I really like the zip down the chest area as it can be adjusted to where ever you feel comfortable having it. Personally, i'm a girl who likes to cover up, hence it being down up to the top. I thought the white peplum style blazer was a really nice touch to this outfit, giving it an extra touch that it needed.

In other news, i'm now single. Yes i know, shortest relationship ever, tell me about it. I'm pretty upset about it, and my mental health was suffering anyways so that was just like the cherry on top of how low i was already feeling so i apologise if i'm a bit MIA. Going to try make August a positive month though, new month, new start n'all!

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The darling cherry said...

Love your dress!!

Lucy said...

I love that dress! Sorry to hear about your break-up, keep your head up!Xx

Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog

oomph. said...

i love the shorter hair! hope you feel better soon :)

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daisychain said...

I love that blazer honey x

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

what a lovely coloured dress :) Sorry to hear you're single now, but yes best to try and think positive and concentrate on yourself cc

Zoe said...

Gorgeous outfit! Sorry about your relationship but just focus on the positives and try not to let it bother you too much xx

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Unknown said...

This outfit is stunning, keep your head up & im here if you want to talk :) xx

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