
Soap & Glory Fab Pore

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

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I bought this Soap & Glory Fab Pore facial peel a couple of weeks ago, i wasn't entirely sure what to expect when i bought it, but with clogged up pores i thought i'd give this ago. You can apply it for either 5 minutes was a quick cleanse or 15 minutes for a deep cleanse. The product was creamy with little green exfoliant balls that you have to rub into your skin until they disolve. I have sensitive skin and it didn't affect my skin, so sensitive skinned people, your safe with this! I opted for applying it for 15 minutes, thinking that i'd just peel it off afterwards. Unfortunately, despite saying it's a 'facial peel' i had to wash it off, it came off easily. Though a tad disappointed that it didn't just peel off, the pros definitely outweighed the cons because it left my skin felt so silky smooth afterwards and my pores definitely felt unclogged. I would recommend this product if your looking for a product that is going to unclog your pores and leave you with a soft face.

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Beautyblogpage said...

I bought this last year, Love it! :) x

Anonymous said...

Peel is definitely a misleading word here! Glad it works for you x

Unknown said...

Wow I definitely want to try this!

Unknown said...

This sounds amazing, And it's good for sensitive skin!? I'm so tempted to try it!

Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

LauraJHyatt said...

This sounds pretty awesome. Was never really too sure about this before, as I’d heard of it but was a bit... meh before, but will be grabbing it now you recommended it, definitely going to try it out. But thanks for the warning about the no peel effect. Im not sure if ive ever had any that really peel though. x
Heroine In Heels

Lucy said...

This sounds like my kinda thing! Great review xx

Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog

Ashley said...

Aw, too bad it doesn't peel off. There's something satisfying about seeing everything that comes out of your pores, don't you think? But hey, sounds like a great product. Now only if I could find it in the states

xo Ashley

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