
Week In Photos #21

Sunday, 28 April 2013

random glassses pose, Barney chilling in the sun, swollen bruised knee after slipping over cos' im a clutz, perfect cat tee for my mum (we have 8 cats), usual posing Courtney, my mum makes the most beautiful cups of tea, Pitch Perfect is now up there with one of my favourite movies, Ruby & Brody sleeping together - so cute, hibernating till May.

Rather boring week to be honest, although i must say that watching Pitch Perfect was the highlight of my week, what a great movie. I'm such a sucker for musical films and it's made me want to go to the Theatre. I love the theatre but no one will go with me *sigh*

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1 comment:

Curiouser and Curiouser said...

Brilliant film! I missed it at the cinema but saw it the other day and it was brilliant! x x

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