
I don't know about you, but i'm feeling 22!

Friday, 12 April 2013

x xxx xx xxxx xxxxx
Hat: Etsy
Blazer: Vintage
Top & Tights: New Look
Skirt: River Island

Decided to opt for grey tights today! Frequent readers will know that's big news! I''m a black tight fan only usually, and i never where anything but. But today i decided to live a little, and decided to open the pack of grey tights i had at the back of my drawer! I was a bit hesitant to actually wear them out in public, but i did it. I finally broke the habit of a lifetime of living in black tights. Next stop... buying some funky coloured tights!! I think red, grey and black really compliment eachother so well colour-wise. The outfit looked way too dull and school-like without the pop of the red blazer! The beanie was a necessity for the fact that yes, i was unfortunately having a very bad hair day!

I picked up my new pairs of glasses today. Yes, i got two pairs (one free pair) because i lost my last pair like a dipstick haha. I'll be sure to show you some photos of me wearing my favourite out of the two pairs, which is in fact a purple framed geek chic Karen Millen pair! 

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Unknown said...

cute! love your hat!
Très Jolie blog

daisychain said...

LOVE this outfit! x

Panty Buns said...

I love the look of your River Island skirt paired with the vintage red blazer. Your hair looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

love it! would you like to follow each other? let me know!

Golden Fashion said...

Amazing outfit :)
With love, Sofia Silva ♥

Inez said...

Cool and pretty, love the hat too, xoxo.

megcasson said...

i love this outfit, you look gorgeous.

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