
Blown Away

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
Jumper: Charity Shop
Skirt: Boohoo
Necklace: Present

A pretty plain outfit today. Nothing too amazing. Can't go wrong with a snuggly jumper that i found in a Charity Shop in this cold English weather. It's meant to be spring!! Size 18-20 jumpers have to be my fav's. Gotta love them big & baggy, definitely makes me feel 10x more comfortable! I love this little skirt i purchased from Boohoo. It's always good to have a nice neon piece in your wardrobe to go-to to add a bit of colour to your outfit! I love this little necklace, i got it as a present from my cousin many years ago. It's got such a 'hippy' feel to it, and it's so cute.

Sorry, i haven't posted in the last week or so. I've been dealing with a lot of personal problems. April is always a very tough month for me, due to something that happened a few years ago, so if i disappear for a bit, that'll be why. On the plus side, have a listen to my current favourite song by Carrie Underwood here.

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Rachel, Cold Knees said...

love that bright pink skirt! Hope you're ok <3 February is *that* month for me, I always hate it!x

daisychain said...

That skirt looks so cool! x

JULIETTE said...

This is very nice!


Roxanne van de Zanden said...

Soo cute!

Inez said...

Chic and effortless. Hope your fine in this tough time for you, xoxo.

Unknown said...

lovely look! I really like the bright color!
Très Jolie blog

Anonymous said...

I love the simplicity of this outfit, you look beautiful. I hope you're doing ok xo

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