
Week In Photos #18

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Ribbet collage
Print against red outfit, me selling cupcakes & donuts for the charity Beauty with a Purpose charity with Stacey, cute little chicks mumsy got me, pick me up before photo shoot, Broken hearts outfit, on set for photo shoot, sneak peak of me in action, mini eggs are amazing, Costa vanilla soy latte, rocking my brothers snap back, the football team i used to play for folded today = sad times, two big bags of haribo all for moi! 

I had a week where i actually did a bit, selling cakes & donuts, a photo shoot and a night out was enough to absolutely exhaust me! I've got two hospital appointments this week which is always tiring, i'm always so nervous. It'll be my first occupational therapy appointment since being diagnosed with Elhers Danlos Syndrome Type 3 so wish me luck!

mac lipsticksw
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog and great style!! Sry to hear about your health problems:(( Please check out my blog:

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