
Broken Hearts

Thursday, 21 March 2013

x xx xxx xxxxx xxxx

Jumper Dress: Internacionale 
Blazer: Charity Shop

How cute is this broken hearts jumper? I love that the paint heart is running a bit to create the effect that it's broken, it's so effective and your really drawn to it. I love the fact it's a dress too, as i think it's nice to still look feminine and be able to be warm without having to majorly layer up. I've only just realised i've forgotten to tuck in the little things that you hang on the hanger, oopsie. Typical mistake, should always check! I got this off white blazer from a charity shop, it's a size 12 which is a couple sizes bigger than my size, but it sits just how i intended it too, very happy with this purchase!

I had a photo shoot yesterday, we did two looks. The first was more of a natural beauty look, and the second was with more intense eye makeup. Here's a sneak peak at the natural beauty look we did. Let me know what you think! 

mac lipsticksw
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Panty Buns said...

I love that Broken Hearts jumper dress. Your natural beauty first look for yesterday's photoshoot was pretty. I love the look of makeup so I'm dying to see the intense eye-makeup second look of your photoshoot.

JULIETTE said...

You look fantastic!


Lena said...

love the grey and pink together! x

Please may I? said...

Loving your broken heart top and that blazer was a great charity shop find.

Beautiful photo too.

X x

Alba - Petit Sweet Couture said...

cute jacket!

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Lela London said...

That look is gorgeous on you...really enhances all of your lovely features, Courtney!

Lela -

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