
Quick Update.

Thursday, 2 February 2012


How cool am i? Blogging to you from my hospital bed! I'm currently lying in Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore, 3 days after having surgery on my leg. I'm so happy i've finally had the plate removed, fingers crossed that means all causes of pain will go! I'm exhausted i'm not getting much sleep at all - luckilly the nurses will come over and keep me company, resulting in goof conversation.

 My mum had brought in my GlossyBox which had arrived and one of the nurses was so intirgued by it, so we spoke about it and the things in it. I'm going to be on crutches for a good while, so i defnately think i deserve treating myself to a form of nice clothing or something. Considering it's going to be very hard for me to wear any forms of shoes for a good while, i may have to treat myself to a pair of pretty platforms. Ha, i remember when i was like 2 or 3 and had my tonsills out, i came home to a big Barbie Megabus Diner, then it was the BEST present ever" haha!

I've kept this post short and sweet for y'all, it's a pretty pathetic post and more of an update. I should be out by 'Monday 6th February*



Anonymous said...

Hope you recover quickly :) x

Please may I? said...

Well done on being a fighter and letting us know how you are, even though your shattered. I think you definitely deserve a nice treat after the operation you have had.

Sending you lots of hugs and get well soon wishes.

X x

Erin said...

Aw, I hope you recover quickly and don't have anymore troubles with your leg.
Definitely deserve to treat yourself to something nice! x

GeorgieWilding said...

Aw get well soon x

daisychain said...

wishing you a speedy recovery x

Ella said...

wishing you a speedy recovery! When I was in hospital when I was little I loved getting to pick a toy from Hamley's when I recovered ha xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

underthewillowtrees said...

Feel better soon. I hope you get to treat yourself :) xx

Monyka said...

I hope you get better soon love! You have a lovely blog :)


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