

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Okay, so i recently decided to send my photos to the Beauty Pageant that is 'Miss Hertfordshire' 2012.. i entered a bit late and didn't really think much of it, but the organiser - Sue, rung me and said it was fine and that she really liked my photos. I've managed to somehow just by sending in two photos of myself, bypass the audition and semi-finals stage and have gone straight to the finals.
I am a finalist for Miss Hertfordshire 2012!
Amazing right!? Something i never though could happen. I don't expect to win it, or even come close, I'm doing it purely for the experience and the fact that it raises money for charity. But how cool right?! I had to send my own photo in for the website as they did the 'finalists' photos at the semi-finals, but I was in total shock after finding out! The winner of Miss Hertfordshire goes straight into the finals for Miss England too. It's just so bizzare that from sending my photos in just for the heck of it, i've been selected out of MANY girls.I need some ideas of ways to raise money for the Miss World charity [you go through to if you win Miss England] Beauty With A Purpose. Any ideas on how i could raise the money!? [the more the better]

This is my photo on the Miss Hertfordshire website.
Not the best photo in the world - but had to take it myself.
[i don't have permission to post others from the girls so won't]

I have to attend The Blakemore Hotel in Hertfordshire on the 18th March for rehearsals, lunch, and dinner, then hair and make-up in time for the show at 8pm in the evening. It's a bummer that I'll be on crutches while I'm wearing a ball gown during the pageant as i have my operation on the 30th January . But yeah.. Though it was something that NEEDED to be blogged about! Like i said - i'm so shocked!



Ella said...

well done you! i live it herts so best of luck :) xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You'd definitely represent good ole Herts well WHEN you win :) x

GeorgieWilding said...

Aw well done x

Sara said...

Wow, congratulations! Good luck and have lots of fun! Enjoy the experience, as I'm sure you'll never forget it :)

Sara from

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