
Every second is a highlight

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Jumper&Skirt&Tights: Topshop. Snood&Socks: Tesco. Wedges: New Look.

A cute and ditsy outfit with a splash of geek chic incorporated into it. Love snuggly jumpers such as this one, really did the trick at keeping me warm, along with the top worn underneath haha! Looks a lot like a grandad jumper actually. Thought that the outfit needed a bit of an uplift, and by adding something as a simple as a little pair of socks really worked and gave a bit of a geeky vibe. I added a white cobweb snood to this to compliment the white socks. The coral floaty skirt makes me feel all innocent, young and girly, yet wearing the wedges makes me feel real lady-like and grown up. Weirdd little contrast there i suppose.

Went to the cinema to see Sherlock Holmes 2 earlier with Sam, was a lot better than i anticipated. I must say as well, Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. looks pretty darn' fineeeeee in it too! Trying to make plans for this weekend too which will commence tomorrow. My last mental weekend where i can actually drink, dress-up and go out. So, i'm thinking London for Thursday and Saturday. Friday and Monday will probably go somewhere local. I can do all my resting when i'm practically bed bound! I'll just stock up on redbull and pro-plus!
*Title: Jessie J - Domino



oomph. said...

beautiful scarf! love the peek of white socks, too.


Jaz xo said...

Love the jumper! xo

daisychain said...

your outfits just get better and better x

Laura Jane said...

Love your blog, I'm following now :) Feel free to check out mine and enter my free MAC cosmetics giveaway!

Laura x
Petit Chatons

Ashley said...

Great infinity scarf and outfit! I especially love the color of the skirt. Making me already thinking about spring:)

erica marie said...

Love your outfit, that coral skirt is such a pretty color.

xo erica

Erin said...

Love your skirt, the colour is really pretty x

*To Wanderlust* said...

I love the total mix of textures xx

Krissy ~ style san san said...

i love this entire outfit!
the skirt is perfect, know if they still got them store still?
you jumper looks ever so cosy too!
Krissy xoxo

Hayley said...

I really love the jumper and the wedges, you look great :) xx

Anonymous said...

You are so darn cute! I love the color of the skirt and you look so comfy yet so stylish. The wedges are the perfect touch. So cute. What a lovely outfit.

Unknown said...

that granddad jumper is amazing, the contrast between the muted knits and the bright colours is amazing

Lidiya said...

I adore the colour of your skirt and your jumper is lovely, so cozy <3

Laura said...

love your blog and outfit! :) hope you get well soon! saw your recent post

laura xo

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