

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Undertop: Asos. Top: Primark. Cardigan, Jeans & Heels: New Look

A bohemian inspired outfit, very earthy and incorporating the colours such as burgandy and deep oranges.Quite an autumnal feel for Sping, different .. well i like it anyways. I've gone all out hippy and even plaited my hair! The white lace rip-effect top emphasies the whole earthy vibe even more. I've kept the make-up very simplistic too, heavy eye makeup or bright lipstick wasn't necessary. A chunky gold ring and a brightly coloured set of nails would most likely take this outfit to a whole new level.

So, the reason for my last photo of me being an absolute muppet is because i'm using my new camera, my Fujifilm S200. The quality of my photos have finally improved greatly, they're alot sharper and look a tad more professional, obviously they're not, but you know what i mean. In other news, booked my operation today to have the plate taken out of my leg for the 30th January, 20 days away. Best get in all the partying i can before then!



Anonymous said...

This sounds bitchy and honestly I don't mean it in a nasty way (scared to leave it off anon incase you don't take it well) BUT... These two colours do not go in the slightest!! I had to say something! They don't even clash in a nice fashionable way. This has to be the worst otd post you've done! Sorry

Alexandra said...

Don't even know what the person above is saying, hoe rude. I really like this outfit, and I totally have the lacey white top, literally the best thing i've ever bought,love your blog


Kenziefaith said...

Love this color combination! Gorgeous outfit.

Rosie Savage said...

Ooh, I desperately want a pair of burgundy jeans!
And your plait looks fab,

Rosie x

Celia said...

I love this outfit, the jeans are gorgeous x

daisychain said...

those jeans are amazing! x

Kristina said...

love your outfit honey :)
I really like your jeans !!

GeorgieWilding said...

Those two colours go, any colours go together I hope you don't let that anon hurt your feelings it's just their opinion, I think you look great I love your jeans.x

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