
Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Definately disappeared all week! It's actually shocking just how quick time flies, the last time i blogged was last Tuesday! I've been under so much stress with schoolwork and been rather ill, probably stress-related to be honest so i haven't been to my lessons, on top of many hospital appointments, and ah it's just all been a pickle really! I'm going back to school tomorrow for the first time since Wednesday(fail) and need to see all my teachers who i've missed work from, catchup and try get it in for them asap. (wooo more stress) Oh yeah, and i have a bloodtest during school tomorrow, and therapy straight after. Flipping heck, all these appointments are driving me ccc-razy!

I've never really been a huge fan of Next's clothing range, i've just never really found it to appeal to me. While shopping though i decided to quickly pop in, i thought 'hey, what have i got to lose?' Well, i can safely say that i am beyond pleased that i decided to have a quick browse. I was pleasently suprised with their current items and wished to buy rather a lot! I ended up settling for these 2 items and purchasing them. The material of them both is so nice and they both fit nicely which i find quite difficult to achieve in some other stores.



Considering i now have developed a small love for Next, i thought i'd take a llittle browse on their website to see if anything else really took my fancy. Oh, and i can assure you that it did! There were quite a few items that i liked, but i decided to show you some of my favourites.


(top row) Black and White Dog Tooth Skirt - £35 Lace Front Woven T-Shirt - £22

(bottom row) Tie Neck Shirt - £24 Teal Belted A-Line Skirt - £28

Both skirts that i featured above i actually tried on in the shop, but both were too big which was a major bummer, because i really liked them both! How nice are they!?



Laurel said...

Really like the Peter Pan Collar Top - for a tenner too? What a bargain!
I do like Next but feel as though it's too sophisticated for me haha

Hope things become less stressful in the near future :)

Unknown said...

awh I love all these pieces court! you look so pretty in this sweater too. love it :)


LillianZahra said...

I love the black and white skirt you've picked out. I'm not usually a fan of Next but it looks like they have some great things this season.
Hope you feel less stressed out soon and get everything sorted with schoolwork. x

Lauren Ellingham said...

I work there now, so have also recently developed a small love for it! Half my wardrobe is Next now haha. the 25% off helps too! X

Tess Atkinson said...

That jumper that you're wearing is so good! x

daisychain said...

Next have got so good lately!

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