

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Jumper: Tesco Skirt+Tights: Topshop Brogues: Urban Outfitters

I can't express my love for these flippy skirts, not only do they make me feel all girly and summery, they're just so easy to wear and can be dressed up or down. I stole this jumper from my mums wardrobe, as you can see it's quite big on me, but i wanted a baggy jumper to tuck into this skirt. I like the circular neck cut of this jumper, i think it looks very school-esque. The coral colour of the jumper and the camel colour of the skirt compliment eachother very well and make a change to what i'd usually wear as both colours are quite striking. The black waistband on the skirt looks like a belt which brings in the waist and therefore my black tights work with this outfit. I've kept jewellery small by just wearing a gold leaf ring. I've just realised how awkward i look in some of these photo's, not gonna lie, i find it highly amusing.. no one likes a boring person i suppose ;]

I'm feeling so tired recently. My M.E has really caught up with me, which sucks, the sun is meant to help it, but when theres no sun, well it speaks for itself really. My first holiday is so close, i'm going to Faliraki with Sam on the 13th July, which is now under a month away, so excited! I'm still undecided about whether i'm going to Plymouth beforehand or not, but i really need to start eating more healthily and do more exercise, because i'm telling you, i am 100% not bikini body ready yet! Speaking of bikini's, i must buy some asap, and a pair of black heels.. i need a new pair.



Lois said...

I love this skirt! I have a similar one from H&M! have fun on hols x

Gertrude said...

That colour combination is perfect! Love the skirt.

daisychain said...

I have this skirt in green! Love it. The colour of yours is gorgeous x

LillianZahra said...

Love the skirt. Hope you find the perfect bikini for your holiday :) x

Erin said...

i love the skirt courtney! x

luciana said...

cute skirt!! xx

Grace Driver said...

Amazing outfit! I want the jumper and the skirt. xx

Maria Chloe said...

cute, love the skirt.

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