
A rather boring week in photos

Sunday, 10 April 2011

prada nails

1. If you follow me on twitter you'll know that i recently nominated my mum for 'Mum Of The Year' award, i wrote a long nomination, and she ended up being picked as one of their 5 runner ups! She won this cute little teapot set, with a little 'you are my hero' logo on the side. It was such a great gift considering the amount of tea she drinks!

2. Heres one of my cats Teddy, he's about a year old and a little terror! I was in Sam's car and he waited outside the door miaowing away, so i opened the door and he jumped in and searched around then decided he wanted to sit on the dashboard... cheeky!

3. So after seeing Victoria Beckham tweet this, i've decided i want them majorly! Prada Nails.. my oh my, how beautiful are they! I want them!

4. Me and Sam were out and stopped off in London Colney to get a drink when we saw this beauty! How gorgeous is it.. more to the point.. don't even want to think about how expencive it is!

5. Went bowling with Sam, something different, hadn't been bowling in soooo long so was nice. Plus, i won the first round, yay :D

6. My dog Pepper enjoying the sun, bless him he looks so happy!

7. Went to watch my brother football cup presentation(so boring, such a waste of time) presentation lasted literally 5mins and we were there for 3 hours. Wearing daddys top cos i got REAL cold. But yeah, this is me and my father bored, waiting around :D

8. Boredem took over, but i like this photo.. i really remind myself of a duck haha, but on the plus side, my hair looks real blonde, yay :D



Emma said...

how funny is your cat, love it.

Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Aww your so sweet to your mum :)
Izzy xx

Steph & The Spaniels said...

haha, boredom always leads to great vain photos shots! lol.
great photos :) at least it's been a sunny but boring week

Rorie said...

Nonsense, not boring! Very cute!

Gertrude said...

Not boring at all! That Lamborghini looks AWESOME! xo


I love those Prada nails! So cute! Ah, I haven't been bowling in ages, well done on winning the first round! ;).

The Cat Hag said...

Awwww that teapot is so cute!

And your kitty is a sweetie, I love cats! ;)

The Cat Hag

Little Miss Curious said...

Doesn't seem to be so boring :)


daisychain said...

Aw that tea pot is lovely! xo

daniela kate morosini said...

tea and nail art, perfect! xx

chlozzard said...

that picture of your cat is so brilliant! x

Sophie said...

So lovely that you entered you mum in that award! and your dog Pepper is just adorable! xx

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

those nails are awesome I can see why they are worth twitting about.

Write it in Lipstick


i want my nails like that!!!

Unknown said...

love the nails for sure! missed your blog while I was gone girl! :) you look so cute here, sounds like such a fun weekend :)


Sherelle.x said...

Thanks for ur comment on my blog :)

Feel free to follow!

P.s Cute tea pot lol


Marie said...

Thanks for sharing these photos, I think the Prada nails are pretty cool.:D

***** Marie *****

Reckless Rekha. said...

That is so cute bless your mum <3

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