
Like a broken record

Monday, 4 April 2011


top & shorts: New Look
cardigan: Miss Selfridge
tights: Topshop

What colour would you say this top is, it's been really bugging me.. teal? or turqouise?.. or just green? Haha, little things like that really irritate me! Anyways i've been real eager to wear this jersey shirt, it's just perfect for all occassions. It's quite long so i've tucked the front into my shorts, which has given a bit of a baggy effect and left the back to drop loosley, but thats covered by my cardigan. Speaking of my cardigan. i love it. It's one of those cardigan's which keeps the chill off and sits nicely. I'm a big fan of light shades recently. I've always been a black/grey colour scheme kind of girl, but i've majorly tried to start wearing other colours which i wouldn't usually go near. Like the colour of this jersey top for example, but if i'm honest.. i really like it.

So, my dad finally started work on my room again today atlast! Theres a lot to do, but once it's done and finally looking nice i will be sure to upload photos. I'm a sucker for photo frames and photos. Photos capture so many memories, and i love looking at photos and remembering how happy i was at that moment, or being able to tell a long story based on a single photo. So photo frames are a must, i love the vintage looking frames. I'm trying to get a total random collection for my room. I also need to buy myself some nice bed linen... definately need to do some online snooping and see what i can find. Feel free to leave me any comments if you know of anywhere i can get any  homeware stuff for my bedroom,. literally anything.. mirrors/candles/linen/curtains/frames - you get the jist :)

Now to spend a nice evening with the boyfriend, mmm :)



Emily said...

Please tell me you're wearing makeup that just looks really natural Courts, if not- even more jealous of how amazing you look!!xx

daisychain said...

I'd say it's jade green! (is that the top with a zip up the back, I bought it after lusting after yours!)

Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Ohh my gosh, yuu are so beautiful, I am so jealous, you are a natural beauty honestly :)
Yeahh like the comment above i would say jade green.
Dw, those things bother mee too :)
Next actually have some amazing prices and some quirky pieces are always found in Cath Kidston and the primark pillows are gorge atm!
Izzy xx

Georgia said...

Cutee outfit! I like live in my shorts haah! :) X

Unknown said...

Lovely outfit :)x

Unknown said...

that colour - i'm just gonna go for green as i can't decide what colour it is either - looks really good on you! xx


I'm exaclty the same, I always wear black and grey, I'm trying to injecr some more colour! (or it might be .com haha) has some really nice bits! Also, Urban Outfitters used to have a really good homeware section, I haven't looked at it in ages though. Etsy is a good place to look for vintagey style stuff aswell, they have loads of nice bits and pieces! Hope you find the right bits! :D.

Anonymous said...

That colour is gorgeoussss!

Also love the ring!


Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Im not sure turquoise is bluer and teal is usually darker, whatever it is, it's pretty! Love the ring too!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home

Kat said...

nice top! the color is so pretty!! :)

✗✗ said...

Great outfit!! I love the top!!

char said...

i think jade. i love it ;)

Reckless Rekha. said...

Effortlessly pretty outfit looking great! Totally agree pictures are amazing and hold so much emotions <3

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