
Summer Outfit!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Okay, so i know we've got a while still till Summer, but i'm oh so excited! It can't come around soon enough, and i'm in desperate need of a holiday. I'm going to Faliraki, Plymouth, Zante and Turkey this Summer and i cannot WAIT! So, i was browing my much adored Tosphop website, and i put together my ideal Summer outfit. All i need is slimmer legs and a tan....
summer outfit

1 2 3 4 5

What do you think!?
Are you off anywhere nice this Summer!?

Remember to enter my Giveaway!



Anonymous said...

I love those stars n stripes shorts.
We're going to New York this Summer, I can't wait. We went last year and fell in love with the City.

Georgia said...

Cute outfit! I really want some of those shorts! :) X

Chrissy said...

Super cute and casual. :)

Law1sfab said...

I really what those Topshop US flag shorts they are sooooo lush !!! said...

cute outfits, cant wait for summer

person of interest said...

cute outfit! you're so lucky you get to visit all those places! i'll be home...studying! I hope you have a great summer! (:

Anonymous said...

I saw that top the other day, love this outfit, makes me so excited for summer! xx

✗✗ said...

Love the outfit combination!! Love the shorts! Like you, I can't wait until Summer... hey we're almost there!!

Thanks for stopping by my site! I love yours, I'm following!

Chuck said...

Lucky you with all those holidays! You will look super cute on them with the above. Obv you don't need slimmer legs and, frankly, I think everyone should embrace the pale! Or maybe that is just me...

Lauren Ellingham said...

I must admit I don't actually like those new american style shorts & jeans, they're a tad too much. But I've already got my eye on those sandals for my summer feet! X

Cylia said...

topshop the best.. still waiting for one to come in the netherlands! and I can't wait to go back to London again for a trip.

Unknown said...

oh i love it - would totally wear it x

Jadore-Fashion said...

Casual cute, love the shorts!


X said...

these are lovely!

Gertrude said...

The sandals are super gorgeous!!! Can't wait for Summer xo

Anonymous said...

beut, i cannot beleive your going on all these holiday and im here with none- DEPRESS.
Im trying not to holiday this year and save the money towards a house fund?! urgh, i NEED a tan.


Essiefashion said...

I really love the bag and shorts :D!

Abi Tottenham-Smith said...

Wow lucky you going all over the place! I went to Zante and Turkey 2 summers ago, very jealous of you!! Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog :) Absolutely love your blog! Abi xxx

Aimee said...

you're going to so many places this summer, i'm so jealous! loving the outfits too, especially the shorts and bag!

buy rift account said...

WoW! super love all the items. . =0

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