
Don't keep your distance

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


jumper: Charity Shop
leggings: Topshop

This jumper was one of the cheapest items i've bought, yet one of my favourites. £3.50 for this beauty, definately the best £3.50 i've ever spent! I tucked the back into the shorts and folded the bottom over to make it sit nicer than it was when it hangs. I think the red looks really nice against the blue.. i seem to be wearing a lot more brighter colours recently, a lot better as oposed to my usual black & greys! No jewellery on today whatsoever, probably could of done with a nice pair of earrings, but i thought the pattern on the jumper and the bright colours contrasting one another was enough.

I'm really fed up at the moment, like really. Just not coping well with things at all recently, my emotions are all over the place and im doing a good job of unintentionally pushing the people i care about most away from me. I just want someone to console me y'know instead of telling me that everything will be alright eventually because obviously i know eventually things will be alright, but at the moment, there not. Hence the feeling of rubbishness. Another moan, I'm always the one who listens to everyone moan about their life and problems, which i have no probelm doing whatsoever, I like helping people and making sure they're okay. But when i tell someone that i'm also feeling down, a little recognition of that wouldn't hurt surely!? Just for someone to actually ask me how i am once in a while and mean it would be really appreciated. I'm just feeling so insecure and down about myself recently. Honestly, i just want to be happy, why does it seem to be so difficult god dammit!? On the plus side, got the all clear on my wrist and cancelled my dentist appointment! AND its Pancake Day, hope you all indulge!

I'ma leave you with a final quote.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.



Georgia said...

Cute outfit! :) X

Kenziefaith said...

Looove these bright colors! such a pretty outfit.

Love that quote <3 <3

KF x

Unknown said...

this sweater looks AMAZING on you girl!!


Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Great post, really inspiring, know how you feel x

daisychain said...

I love the bright colours! xox

TRAX Fashion Magazine said...

your outfit is amazing. honestly. the red and the blue look incredible together. I can't believe the jumper was so cheap! And it's incredible.

I love the quote you posted as well, so so true.

Natasha said...

I love the colours in this outfit and thanks for the lovely comments, I had fun making the bracelets and thanks, my guinea-pig's feeling better now :) xxx

Analisa said...

I love the color of your jumper, it looks so cozy too!

I'm hosting a Shopbop giveaway on my blog by the way if you're interested :)

Anonymous said...

Love the colour of the shorts and jumper together. I like the quote at the end of the post.

Domonique Wilson said...

Love this look!Great post love, came across your blog this morning...really liking : )

Anonymous said...

Love your jumper! x

Anonymous said...

red shorts = win!

loving your blog!

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