
a week in photos #3

Sunday, 27 February 2011

1. I got my car, I got my car, I got my car. Okay, so i can't drive it, but i have it now, it's offically mine. Took this photo on the way home from getting it, thought you could all have a good chuckle at my 'DEATH KILL' number plate.

2. A lovely night in with the boyfriend, a nice, funny movie, some snacks and drinks. Was a really nice evening, love spending time quality time with Sam, it was much needed. love love love <3

3. Me and Sam decided to buy some jellybeans, haven't had these in years so was definantely worth buying them, they're actually mega expencive! We managed to have a fight with them too as neither of us liked the liquorice flavour, yet managed to keep getting them, was amusing!

4. My favourite sweet at the moment, they're just so yummy!

5. Opened a pack of candy sticks to find this little devil inside. A SPIDERMAN TATTOO. I used to remember opening up a sweet and getting a tattoo and bubblegum inside it many years ago! Brought back so many childhood memories, i use to have tattoo's such as these stuck on by water all over my arms haha!

6. The best Soap & Glory product in my opinion! 'The Breakfast Scrub'! Okay, it's a tad strong, but smells like maple syrup, or flapjacks, it just smells yummy! It's an amazing exfoliator and makes my skin feel great. Would definately advise peopple to purchase this!!

7. Yes, i finally got this DVD, 'Despicable Me', i've had it for a couple days now, but i still haven't got round to watching it! I saw a trailer for it of the little girl in it shouting 'ITS SO FLUFFY!', from the on i knew i had to have this DVD, everytime i hear that little phrase i laugh for ages, hahaha, i'm such a child!

8. My Beautiful Car, a proper photo! I think i'm going to call it Delilah, what do you think?


Anonymous said...

thank you! your blog is really cool!!! :D

LUCY said...

i love week in photos! especially the food! and omg they still give free tattoos?? no way! must get myself some xx

Michelle / Daisybutter said...

So exciting about your car sweet, Delilah is such a cute name ;) I can't wait to graduate and get my car haha, there's no point in me having a car while I'm at Uni with no off-road parking. Looks like you had a lovely week, I want both Despicable Me on DVD and that Soap & Glory scrub now, booo! xx

Hannah. said...

That soap and glory scrub is one of my favourites, it smells so good! :)
Check out my blog

Yours is lovely xxx

daisychain said...

send all the liquorice ones to mmeeeee!

Law1sfab said...

I adore soap and glory, I swear I could just eat half there products haha oh I want to see that film you will have to tweet me if it's good or not xxx

Amy + Ava said...

nice car! love your blog :)

Kathryn said...

Despicable Me is such a funny movie! You'll love it, I'm sure :)

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