
Through strength i found love

Sunday, 9 January 2011

top, skirt, tights, - Topshop. blazer, Miss Selfridge, socks, - River Island. ring, - Accessorize. Necklace, - Tiffanys

Firstly let me apologize for how ew i look, i did my make-up without a mirror, couldn't be bothered t do my hair either. I'm still really ill, but due to bordem more than anything i forced myself to get dressed to do an outfit post!A long black vest top, tucked into an off-grey ruched tube skirt. Gives quite a simple sophisticated look. I've decided that i really want a pair of suspender tights, and is would go great with this outfit! Instead i settled for a pair of 100denier tights worn with knitted over the knee socks on top to try and create a suspender type look. I decided to wear this white blazer with it that has been at the back of my wardrobe for ages! I think the outfit looked better with a white blazer as to a black one as it needed some form of a bright colour and white is quite striking! I'm wearing my much adored horseshoe necklace, which i love so so much! Also wearing a pink rose ring that Sam got me, i think i looks quite cute.

Just ordered some lovely things from Models One. Baby Blue, Brown and White nail Varnish, and a creamy pink blush which i read a nice review on. ALSO finally ordered my nail art pen! Can't wait to start using that, finally can make my nails quite creative! Quite looking forward to when they come through!

Also, i talk about him alot, but i just wanted to express my love for Sam. He really is doing a great job of keeping me sane at the moment! Along with having my medical problems, and now being quite ill(somethings either wrong with my kidneys or i have a stomach ulcer, i have to have urgent tests:/) he's doing a great job of making sure i'm still wearing a smile on my face and keeping as happy as possible. We've even started looking at where we're going to go on holiday in the Summer! A week with Sam, in a hot country with no worries, sounds like the defenition of perfection to me! He's just such an amazing guy, and i'm so lucky to call him mine


christie said...

Sam sounds lovely - so glad to hear you found each other! Love is a fabulous thing :)

Mary Lee said...

aw nice pictures! :)

hope you'll visit/follow

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks cool, im just new follower.
do you want to follow my blog`?

Vicki said...

love your horse shoe necklace!! :) x

The Dandizette said...

Aww how lovely that he's looking after you, so sorry to hear you've been so ill! If it makes you feel even slightly better you look great!


Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful to have someone you love behind you and there so support you. Hope you get well soon.

Halle Anderson said...

Great pictures so sweet! Love your blog! come visit me at

Shannon said...

Love a nice white shirt, it looks great with the skirt!

Anonymous said...

heyy there(: i just happend to accidentally find your blog! so glad i did! you have a lovely blog with cute posts and i really like this one! (: so glad i dropped by(:


ontheblock vintage said...

you did your makeup without a mirror? wow, congratulations! that is one thing i'll never be able to accomplish in my life time. seriously. hope you start feeling better girlie!

wolves and sparklers

Analisa said...

I love your monochrome outfit!

minnja said...

Love it :)))


Ray said...

cute outfit:)))

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