
NYE & NYD + resolutions

Sunday, 2 January 2011

  top, - closet. skirt, - ASOS. tights, - Topshop. necklace, - Tiffanys.

The outfit above is what i wore on New Years, i didn't go out anywhere, i ended up staying in with the parents and my boyfriend, even my 15 year old brother went out! We ended up getting pretty drunk and playing trivual pursuit, not the ideal way to spend New Years Eve, but hey, i'm not complaning was fun. I haven't had a reason to get dressed up nicely so thought i might as well embrace the fact it was NYE.
Lepoard print goes beautifully with black and if worn the right way can make you make you achieve an upperclass look, instead of the tacky look some people who wear it wrongly achieve. The top i'm wearing is buttoned down the middle and therefore could be worn as a littl cardigain instead. What i like about lepoard print is that silver or gold jewellery can look nice with it, neither overshadows the outfit or looks cheap. Just got to be sure to keep the accessories to a minimum.

Here are a few pictures from my little night in.
It was actually a real good night, full of laughs, plenty of alcohol. Lovely. Also, do you like Sams jumper!? That a Christmas present i got for him! :D

blouse, - Vintage. jeans, - ASOS. necklace, - Tiffanys.
This sheer shirt tucked into my new high waisted black jeans is a classy look. Sheer shirts are beautiful, and allows you to achieve ultimate sexyness without look cheap and showing to much flesh. I believe that when wearing a shirt, they look best tucked into jeans, it allows then the shape of the jeans and the shirt to be shown, as sometimes when the shirt is left to hang loose, it can look a bit flat and boring. The shirt is an off-white colour and is quite large on me, but i prefer it large to being fitted. I'm wearing silver jewellry, my gorgeous necklace from my boyfriend infact. It goes with everything so nicely.

- to stay attempt to not spend as much time at/in hospital.
- to do something exciting in life.
- to exercise more.
- to not eat meat.
- to get a tattoo of something meaningful
- to learn arabic

Fingers crossed i can stick to the middle 2, and going to try my hardest with the frst 2. Definately going to attempt to learn arabic, and i will be getting a tattoo at some point, just don't know what yet.
Don't really know who i'm kidding about not spending much time in/at hospital, when i have about 7 appointments in January, but hey ho.!



daisychain said...

Love your resolutions! Good luck with them. I forgot to add, my top resolution this year is NO hospital! x

Kerri said...

oh my god love that someone else is attempting to learn arabic! I'm not doing it as a new years resolution but just as an interest kinda thing. hope it will go better for you than it has for me so far hahaha its IMPOSSIBLE to learn

Anonymous said...

LAWDDD, you have great bone structure! I love the leopard on you and how you styled it.

Good luck with your resolutions. Learning Arabic seems extremely challenging.

Henar said...

I love te outfits, really cool, specially the last one!! :)

Charlene said...

Love the white shirt! Dont worry i never did much NYE either! Good luck with your resoloutions!

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