
It's taking me higher

Tuesday 25 January 2011

cardigan + necklace: New Look
top + skirt +tights: Topshop.

I chose this outfit very quickly this morning, i had to be on my way to fracture clinic by 8am, crazy early and Sam stayed last night and was in bed, and i didn't want to have the light on for too long, so i chose quickly, how nice am i haha! Think the outfit turned out very nicely, although i apologise for the bad quality, they were taken very early, and the lighting was horrible! I love these tube skirts, they're so versatile and can be worn in a casual or smart way, the must-have in every girls wardrobe i think! This is the chunky knit i bought from New Look the other day, i told you it was more of a purpley colour than it looked in the original photo, i personally think the colours very nice, matches my nail varnish actually which happen to be a lilac-berry colour.

Anyway today i had fracture clinic. Good + Bad news! Good news? I finally got my pink plaster cast off, as my fracture has healed, good riddance plaster cast, it was so itchy and annoying! Bad news? They told me they reckon i've also torn a major ligament too, typical! So i'm in this stupid wrist splint again. I've got to have an MRI scan, which takes 4-6weeks for an appointment to come through, appointment wont be for like 2 months, then takes around 2 weeks for results to come through. So i'm looking at not finding out what's wrong with my hand for 3months.. that's like end of April! Yes, as you can probably gather, i'm not very happy!

Totally different subject, i've done something good old thinking today about my life and how i want to suceed and do well. Not let things get the better of me, stop being such a pushover and stop letting people walk all over me, learning to control my emotions and my temper, and focusing more on the important things in life. Oh, and prioritising well! I think my first step is to get as much of my health sorted out as possible first. I was also given the option the other week at family therapy about retaking up Individual therapy. (i stopped it due to the fact my therapist was a twat, trust me!) I was given therapy due to how badly i was bullied, and still find it hard to deal with stuff such as my emotions and stress. The family therapy is for a different reason that i'd rather not broadcast. But i'm definitely considering having individual therapy again, depends we'll see. Parents won't let me see the woman i used to see 6months ago though, when i say she was a twat.. she was disrespectful, judgemental, ignorant, rude etc. Everything she's not meant to be! She definitely knew how to make me feel ten times worse about myself and if i saw her now, i'd most likely end up throwing a chair at her. (Oh god i sound crazy, i promise you i'm not!)
On the plus side.. GUESS WHO'S BEEN BAKING GOODIES?!?!

Honey Flapjack
Seriously it takes absolutely gorgeous, definately would recommend making for a small party perhaps. Fruit could be added to this, but i opted for just the plain honey version.

 Chocolate Chip Cookies
I didn't add in enough chocolate as i was meant to as i didn't have any more, but they were actually very chocolatey, and taste nice. A cute little treat, easy to make too.


cowbiscuits said...

oof send us a cookie! Love the chunky knit xx

Anonymous said...

Wow that therapist sounds horrible. Try not to let that discourage you and find someone new.
Nice cardigan, I can see the lovely purple colour.

The Editor said...

Wish you all the best, Courtney, hopefully everything will get sorted and you will feel sooo much better.
I can't still get through the fact that you were bullied so bad. Why would someone do that? I know maybe that's the question that may have haunted you too. God, I am so sorry, but I can't believe how mean some ppl can be! :|
Take care! X!

Viv said...

great outfit :)

Tess Atkinson said...

Great outfit, those goodies look delicious too! x

Cylia said...

hey girl:) i like how you're so open to it. I hope you feel better soon and everything will be fine with your health:) life is difficult in many ways.. sometimes we take bad experiences/circumstances with us in the future and living with a burden/weight on your shoulder isn't ideal. I think it's mostly also forgiving people before they've said sorry. Do things with the right attitude and good opportunities will follow.

xx said...


Anonymous said...

i'm just loving that outfit especially the sweaterrr(:

and ohh yummm i'm all of a sudden craving milk lol(:


Sophie said...

Love the Cardi!! Mmmm the flapjack looks good! x

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