
It's like americaaan honey

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

top + leggings + cardigan: New Look.
ring: Marks&Spencers.
 bracelet: Pandora.

I unintentionally based today's outfit around the colour purple, many different shades of the colour. I love this top, it's newly purchased and a size 12 because i wanted it to be quite baggy and to sit a tad longer then if i'd of got it in my usual size 6/8. Quite a preppy look, decided that wearing my glasses really makes this look without over-doing it. This purple ring has such amazing detail, looks very vintage, which totally contrasts my gorgeous modern charm bracelet. The knit cardigan looks makes this look very casual yet still fashionable. I'd wear this outfit with little ankle boots, possibly biker boots too.
As you can see, i have two wrists on show! Considering it's a wrist splint, i can take it off to take pictures with as long as i'm careful, definitely prefer the pictures without the splint on!

Oh my, i've only just realised it's Valentines day soon! I've never been a huge fan of Valentines day, perhaps it's because i've never really done much on that day. If your single, people hate the day, they're overwhelmed with a feeling of loneliness, whereas if people are in a relationship, they're spoilt rotten. My opinion? It's just another day in the year! One single day in the year shouldn't mean you have to spoil your loved one. Don't get me wrong, what girl doesn't loved to be spoilt by her boyfriend, but if your in a relationship with someone, it should count everyday not just on the 14th February. I love my boyfriend all year round! <3  But... i did see this on the Topshop website and have a giggle! 
Knit your own 'perfect boyfriend' for £8.00 anyone?


Susanne said...

love the tee!

Harrriiiet said...

love the outfit!
I'm looking into getting a double leather pandora bracelet, I think they're adorable! x

Laura said...

aha i could definately do with knitting my own boyf! ;D

Michaela said...

I love the top! Thankyou for your comment on my blog!

essentially aimee said...

Wow, your collarbones are like BAM! Gorgeous. I like collarbones for some reason haha. And your arm! Very exciting to see haha. I didn't notice at first but I was all, hmm something is missing from these pictures, and now I'm realizing it's your splint! How exciting.

daisychain said...

You look so good, and check you out with no cast! x

Cylia said...

I like holidays like valentine's day:p hehe. so cheesy but fun. I like your glasses, need to buy some new ones.. and I'm definitely going for a model like yours.

BECKY MAY said...

Great Tee!

The Flower Girl


. said...

Thankyou so much for the sweet comment! I Love your outfit :)

Kaleido Mind said...

i agreee--not much of a vday person either (for myself)...but i like doing things for other people...if that makes sense?!

Jane Alisa said...

Love your nail polish.xoxo

Anonymous said...

I never liked Valentine's day. I would rather be unexpectedly spoiled rather than forced on a certain day.

Raquel said...

I LOVE your cardigan. And also what a lovely colour of nail polish.
I was never too of a fan of Valentine's day but it also happens that it marks the anniversary of my relationship with my boyfriend so it's a big date now.

christie said...

haha perfect boyfriend kit.

Francesca said...

that's right! valentines day.. is just another day. single people complain more than ever and couples just hang out. it's amusing

F. ( x

Chris said...

D= spending this valentines alone! Haha thanks for reminding me courtz! xD

kennedy zaida said...

Hey on your twitter, you put that you think you have some sort of intolerance to bread && maybe you should look up Celiac Disease. I have it, it's an autoimmune disease where you can't have gluten. It's diagnosed by a blood test.
Just trying to help!! (:
Btw, I love your blog <3

KANI said...

hahaha, that knitting kit is gold! though my knitted result probably wouldn't turn out so perfect :P

devorelebeaumonstre. said...

love your nail color. x

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