
In the arms of an angel

Tuesday 4 January 2011


cardigain & necklace, - Miss Selfridge. shorts & tights, - Topshop

So, i had to crop these photos besides the bottom one as Sam decided that he was going to make stupid faces... so inn every picture theres Sam making a funny face or giving me a funny look, he's such a moo! So as pay back i literally jumped at him for the bottom picture and was determind to blog it haha! So yeah, i'm wearing this long short-sleeved grey jeresy vest top, tucked into my cord rust coloured shorts. Suprisingly grey and rust actually go very well together! The rich rust compliments the plain grey so well, enhancing the colours, this therefore makes the outfit look quite cute and not boring. I decided to wear a darker grey cardigain with this outfit, it was a step up from the black, which would of complimented the tights. I think the darker grey brought out the lighter grey.. but hey, thats probably me just talking nonsense! I'm wearing my long clock necklace, goes quite well i think?

Went to the RSPCA with mumsy and Sam today, such cute little Staff puppies, but Mum has said she'll only allow a labrador or a Retriever, so we had a look on Kennel Club and found a breeder selling 8 little pups, we e-mailed them and just waiting for a reply now.. gonna' give it a couple days then mums going to ring.. Could have myself a little male yellow lab pup if i'm lucky.. keep your fingers crossed for me!

Tomorrow is my first day back at school.. scared! I haven't been back in to school, or a big social situation properly since the 14th October, but i need to attempt it, consdering i'm only doing one A-Level until September due to my M.E. My social anxiety's going to be through the roof as it is, but baby steps first and then things will improve slowly, fingers crossed. Although i'm only doing one subject now, i'm about 10 weeks behind on work, really need to catch-up, hence the going in to school tomorrow even though i have on lessons, got to push myself till i've caught up.

I'm so emotional at the moment recently, like everything is upsetting me and getting me down. Must be more positive.. i think some retail therapy is definately in order... must go shopping.. hehe!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the puppy thing! Staffies are the cutest thing ever but people just don't trust someone with a staff thanks to the idiots that breed them to be vicious and fighting dogs.. such a shame :( it breaks my heart. I love their big square heads and just wanna hug them! I'm *that* girl that always goes "LOOK AT THAT DOG! AWWW!" haha! A lab puppy would be awesome, now I'm thinking about the Andrew advert(s) and cooing. Take lots of photos! All my fingers and toes crossed for you, a dog is a better pal than any person could ever be xxxx

Lois said...

I'm going to hunt these shorts down in Topshop, absolutely love the rustic colour! I really like your blog... new follower :)


pearlslaceandruffles said...

I love the color palette here, lovely! Hope you find the dog you want! xo

Antics of the Moon said...

Gorgeous blog!

daisychain said...

Fingers crossed for you hun!

Love your outfit, too <3

Marloes | The Style Sandwich said...

your shorts are really beautiful!

Unknown said...

retail therapy is always the way forward x

Paris said...

I love your red shorts and grey top.. they look really nice together (:

follow me :D


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