
OOTD ++++

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Top - Topshop
Skirt - Topshop
Knitted Tights - Topshop
Cardigain - New Look
Ring -Topshop
Necklace - Vintage
Nail Varnish - 17 Fast Finish Nail Varnish #Garnet

Personally, i thought that this camel coloured vest would go perfectly with my newly purchased burgandy paperbag skirt. These two colours are both high on trend this season and compliment eachother very well! I do love this skirt alot alot, but my only flaw with it is that it makes me look alot larger than i am in the hip reigon, otherwise it'd definately get a 10/10 from me! The cardigain was a neccessity to this outfit considering i'm only wearing a thin vest, and i thought the black cardi went nicely with the whole outfit as it wasn't adding much more colour to it. I wanted to keep the colours quite plain & simple, as i always do! The belt on the skirt came with it, and has a gold buckle, hence forth why i'm wearing this specific necklace and ring as they are both gold and i thought that wearing silver jewellery could then perhaps make the look appear not thought out, and rather tacky. I refrained from wearing earrings as i'm wearing a short chained necklace and didn't want to go over the top with accessorys in the neck/head area. I painted my nails last night this lovely red colours, i thought it was very Christmasy so it had to be done, i may include one green nail on each hand too at a late date just to be different! I find it also very amusing how i never manage to wear shoes in my outfit posts, but if i were to be wearing this outfit, i'd would wear a a pair of my trusty brogues. They would look extremely cute with this outfit, if not a small black pair of court heels would also look just as nice.
Also.. once again, i apologise for the fluffy hair, i couldn't be bothered to straighten it!!

- I've finally ordered majority of Sams lovely Christmas presents, but i want to get him something else... i'm definately way too generous at Christmas! So please let me know what i could get him if you have any ideas! Also.. if you have any ideas for a soon to be 15 year old lad.. i need to get my brother a Birthday present for next thursday... eeeeek!
- note to self: GET ROOTS DONE ASAP! I apologise greatly for how appauling my hair is at the moment, i'm ashamed that i haven't had my roots done sooner!!
- I totally can't believe all the damage that has been caused due to the student protest over Uni fees going up. Don't get me wrong, i totally agree with why their doing it, it's so wrong that their upping it to £9000, but seriously.. why damage my much loved Topshop!? :(
- ALSO... if you if your a UK resident, make you've entered my Christmas Giveaway!!!


Curiouser and Curiouser said...

That outfit co-ordination is just beautiful. I never would have thought to pair camel with a colour like that but it totally works. I also ♥ your ring x x

Unknown said...

I love your fluffy hair! it's really natural and pretty :) love your outfit and I have been coveting that that ring for weeks now!


Unknown said...

love your outfit & the ringgg is so fab!!x

Sara Luxe said...

love the colour of that skirt - ive been looking for something simular !

pearlslaceandruffles said...

That ring - I need it in my life! Topshop always has the best rings! xoxo

daisychain said...

I love that skirt and ring! Gorgeous.

essentially aimee said...

You look gorgeous. I love how well the colors go together in this outfit! That skirt is amazing and I really want one now!

Anonymous said...

I adore the paper bag waists at the moment, the skirt looks gorgeous on you and with the camel top.

Jennie from the Blog said...

i love the color of the skirt!

Yona said...

Your skirt's colour is simply amazing <3

Marie said...

I think the skirt fits you great and it's such a lovely color.:D

I am your newest follower and have a wonderful weekend!:D

***** Marie *****

Unknown said...

love that skirt x

Kaleido Mind said...

must have..that ring!:)

mariska said...

i'm in love with ur skirt, and what a great combo


Sarah said...

Camel and burgundy is a great combo - I must try it for myself sometime! My little brother's birthday is really close to Christmas too, it's so complicated getting him two presents that I usually just get him an extra big one for Christmas!

Come enter the Licentiate giveaway!

Unknown said...

love this outfit!

Enter my Christmas giveaway!

Audrey♥ said...

lovely ring!

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