

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Yay! My 17th Birthday, yes... i'm still a baby though haha!
Tradition is that my mum blows up balloons as to how old i am, so she blew up 17 and tied them together :)

Desperate Housewives season 2. wooo!
That will definately keep me busy,
something good to watch atlast!
Topshop bomber jacket, yesyesyes!
3 books by Victoria Beckham, shes perfect!!
A brand new laptop, which was much needed!
So happy about that :D
A lap tray as i'm on my laptop a lot because of my leg
& it has cupcakes on as i make cupcakes!! :D
My brother got me this lovely pink jumper with a white bow on it, it's really nice, i'm a fan of it! So cute and so warm, would look nice tucked into a pair of shorts :) He also got me this little NO.7 giftset, which includes a nail varnish, lipgloss, mascara and 2 little eyeshadows, adorable.. nice choices scotty boyyy :)
Danny Turner
How cute is this little present right!? The eyes on that little duck toy are adorable and those bracelets and flower hair clip are real nice, and they're the colours i wear too :D
Gareth Jell & Kris North
Sooo.. Gareth, one of my bestfriends, he bought me a a lovely box of chocolates, tolberone chocolates, and a bottle of bucks fizz, YUM YUM YUM!
& Kris being Kris, got me something that'd benefit him. He knows i like baking so he bought me yummy chocolate chips so that i could make him cookies for a christmas present haha :)
This guy called Andy, who is practically my Uncle, so lets just call him my Uncle got me this lovely present! A shoe hanger thingy to hang my necklaces on and put my rings in, and a jewellery box, PERFECT!
thankyou thankyou thankyou everyone <3
Plans for the rest of the day.. nothing really,
I'm seeing Sam this evening hopefully (depends if he isn't stuck at work due to this ridiculous snow storm! and  i plan to get VERY drunk with him(or on my own) and watch movies..
ALSO.. heres a quick OOTD :)
 top & tights - Topshop, skirts - Urban Outfitters, bracelet(from sam) - Pandora
i thought it was quite classy yet casual!?
Love that skirt, matches my nails and bracelet haha :D


daisychain said...

Ooh someone got spoiled! x

Unknown said...

happy birthday!!

Ray said...

Yeyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you're having a fab day xxxxx

christie said...

YAY Happy Birthday!!! Love all your pressies!! Hope you have a fabulous day! And how cute tha your mum blows up as many balloons as how old you are - I love that!

Irene Blushing Loves said...

Happy birthday to you doll!!You look gorgeous and amazing presents there!!Especially ther laptop!!haha needed!!

Maddy said...

You're a lucky girl!
New laptop :O
visit me:

charlotte said...

happy birthday pretty!!
you got some amazing presents, thats so lovely of your mum to do the ballon thingy bobby, ]even though im 16 i want to do that for my kids in like 16 years time or whatever it is

your brother gets you really lovely gifts!
and im very jelous of your new jacket make sure you do a umm, OOTD post wearing it sometime soon

i hope you made a wish before it hit 12.00

Louise said...

Happy belated (by like an hour haah!) birthday!
You got such lovely gifts! Hope you had a nice wee day! xxxx


WOAHH. We're twins?! Totally just had my seventeenth birthday. Go December 1993 babies!

Enjoy your party of presents, woohoo!

Eri said...

Hi there,

I really enjoyed your blog! And Happy Birthday... please have a look at my fashion blog as well...Visit Pretty Portobello It's all about fashion street at the Portobello Market in London.
See you soon.

essentially aimee said...

My gosh, you skinny minny! I absolutely love everything you recieved, I am tres jealous!

Unknown said...

happy birthday - looks like you got loads x

Dyna said...

happy birthday :):)

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