
All of the stars, have faded away..

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Oh how these pictures make me laugh, we're such losers! These were taken at like 1am this morning when Sam stayed over. Cuddled up with him, snuggled with a blanket and drinking green tea. Aboslutely perfect! Love my Sam! He makes me happy :)

Anyawys, no outfit post for you guys today, my M.E's really bad, and my throat feels like it's on fire. As a result of this ,i've spent the majority of the day watching tv snuggled up with a blanket wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and an Abercrombie & Fitch jumper, and i didn't feel that was appropriate. Feeling pretty low too, pretty rubbish, meh, hopefully thigns will approve. My M.E doctor has mentioned that maybe i should be prescribed anti-depressants as it's meant to help, feeling so low and so consumed in my own world is horrible, hopefully they'll help this low feeling at the moment.

This evening i plan on staying snuggled up on the sofa, watching yesterdays recorded episode of Bad Girls and tonights episode of Hollyoaks while eating a cheese & tomato dominos pizza and drinking diet coke. I've got a busy day tomorrow, doctors early tomorrow morning, then physio in the afternoon, then rest rest rest. My M.E's really playing up at the moment, i don't find the energy to do anything, it's horrible, and the weather really makes things worse!


Unknown said...

I feel for you. i could hardly lift my hairdryer this morning! going to the sleep clinic next week so im hoping they'll find some sort of cure! keep your chin up, it'll get better soon xxx

charlotte said...

ahh thats the blanket isnt it.
Stay positive girl! youve got so many beautiful things around you and they will get you through this xxx love muchos

cowbiscuits said...

Hope you feel brighter soon, your Sam I'm sure knows how to cheer you up! :) I know whats it's like to suffer with long-term illness, the main thing to do is stay positive! xx

I V Y said...

naw you guys are cute haha! <3

Thu Nguyen said...

Awww these are cute photos, I'm glad he makes you happy!

ching said...

aww you guys are adorable. and i hope you'll be okay. :)

daisychain said...

I hope you feel better soon lovely x

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