
Changing Hair

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Okay, so the picture on the left is a picture of myself with my natural hair colour. It's a very dark brown, so dark that it can easily be mistaken for black. The picture in the centre is a picture of when i started dying my hair. This colour is more gingery brown, i love the length of my hair in this picture and really want to get it to that length again! The picture on the right is what my hair currently looks like now, shoulder length and blonde. I had to have it cut into a long bob about a year ago because my hair had become extremely thin, so thin that when the chopped it off they literally held my ponytail, and in one snip it was gone! My hairs been dark brown, light brown, red, ginger, dark blonde, and now blonde. I like the colour but really want my long hair back, wonder what it would look like long and blonde.. hmmm

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