
Everyday Winter Outfit

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

SnoodyDo Blue Bobble Hat (*)
Primark Black Duffle Coat (similar here)
Marks & Spencer Black and White Knitted Jumper (similar here)
Primark Black Leggings (similar here)
New Look Black Chelsea Boots

December is right around the corner and that means sometimes you have to dress a bit more practical as opposed to fashionable. Saying that, if you can master both then that's a major plus. This outfit is something i'd wear on a typical Winter day. I obviously want to be warm, but i think this outfit is quite stylish as well, even if it is kind of a lazy outfit. I was sent this gorgeous bobble beanie hat by SnoodyDo and i absolutely love it. It is fleece lined on the inside so it keeps my head so toasty. I love this shade of grey-blue as i think it can go with many different colours. The fact this hat has a little bobble on the end is so cute and makes it perfect for Winter. I love wearing beanie hats in the Winter as it really does keep your head that bit warmer. I'm wearing my all time favourite jumper that i actually got from a Charity Shop for about £5. I live in it when i can't be bothered to think about putting an outfit together. Leggings are my saviour in this cold weather as usually i'm wearing tights. I think an oversized jumper, leggings and boots are just the perfect outfit this time of year. I'm wearing this Primark duffle coat which was only £18 (bargain!!). For anyone who opts not to wear a coat in this freezing cold weather because you think it ruins an outfit, you must be pretty darn crazy!

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