
Big Blogger Conference

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

On Saturday i woke up very early (7am! - too early) to go all the way to Russell Square to the Hotel Russell for the Big Blogger Conference with my friend Will! I had to drag Will along as there was no way i'd of been able to go otherwise. I was so excited for this event, and i wasn't disappointed! I had to go in my wheelchair as i find it impossible to walk any further than just around my house, but everyone still made me feel welcome, despite me feeling rather uncomfortable in the chair.

In the morning we had 3 workshops. As there was so many bloggers, we were separated into two rooms and the speakers rotated between the rooms which was a great idea! Unfortunately the projector couldn't show the speakers presentations due to a technical fault, so someone had the genius idea to send the presentations over to us by email, so we could go through as the speaker was going through. Such a clever idea - i'd of never been able to think of something like that!
Anyways, we had 3 workshops, a Pinterest workshop with Elizabeth Sellers from Rosalilium, an SEO workshop with Jasmin Charlotte from the blog Jasmin Charlotte, and a How To Get More From Your Blog workshop with Sarah Moody from The Prosecco Diaries. I found each of the workshops really helpful and wish each of them went on for longer than 30mins. The gorgeous notepad you can see in the picture above is from Ohh Deer, i found it way too pretty to write in so i used the pad of paper. There were also jelly beans on the table but i gave mine to Will so forgot to take a photo - soz.

After the workshops had finished we all went out of the hotel for an hour for lunch. I think a lot of people went and sat in the park that was directly opposite the hotel. This is my friend Chelsey who has been a good friend that i met at a previous blogger event. We had lunch in the park which was lovely, but oh my, it was so super hot! By far the hottest day of the year! After we had lunch and were still waiting around, i got out of my wheelchair for a few minutes to have a little stretch and ceased this opportunity to get a couple of outfit photos, which should feature in my next blog post, so be sure to check back to see what i wore!
After we'd had lunch, sat in the sun for a bit and taken outfit photos we headed back into the hotel to the brand exhibition! 

The first brand i saw as i came into the exhibition was Shoeaholics! Shoeaholics are an outlet for Kurt Geiger, as well as some other brands too. I was so drawn into these shoes, they are gorgeous! I tried on a stunning pair of gold heels but due to the heat that day, my feet had swelled (even though i'd been sitting down all day!) and due to the shoes i was wearing, i had a big criss cross pattern on my feet, so wasn't able to take a shoefie. (a shoe selfie) Probably a good thing, as i'm sure i would of hurt myself just standing still in those high heels. I did try on a lovely pair of black suede boots with a silver heel. They were stunning! The heel wasn't too high, and ah they were perfect! I was actually going to buy them due to the big reductions Shoeaholics offer, but even with a 34% discount, those boots are still £99. You can see them HERE if you want to have a look.

I got round to seeing the organisers (the gorgeous Lauren!) products from her online shop the Gifting Lounge. The pieces were amazing, and i fell in love with the notepads! I love notepads, i hoard them and very rarely write in them as i don't want to ruin them. I definitely think i'm going to be ordering myself a cheeky little present from there! When i asked Lauren more about her brand she said that the reason it's called the Gifting Lounge is because when you place an order for someone, it will come, fully wrapped, with hay inside and some sweets all ready for you just to give someone, without you having to go the trouble yourself of wrapping it. How cool is that? I also love the variety that the Gifting Lounge offers. They sell jewellery, stationary, and cute little quirky things! Love their products!

This photo above wasn't actually on one of the brands stalls that were there that day. This was actually in the raffle, but i had to take a picture of it. The Happiness Planner! Whoever thought of that, kudos to you! I can't wait to get my hands on one! Mum if you're reading this, this is what i want for my Birthday/Christmas. They are just adorable. I looked on the website that sells these planners and the planner comes in three different colours, this gorgeous aqua colour, pink and black. They are currently on sale at the moment if you fancy getting yourself or anyone you know one!

I was lucky enough to get my hair done by one of the girls from The Parlour! I absolutely love what they did with my hair! Unfortunately buy the end of the day the loose curls at the end of my hair just looked a sweaty mess, but the braid still looked super cute even when i tied my hair up! Getting my hair done made me feel really pretty, and i think the style of it is quite 50's which i love!

It was nice to speak to the guys behind Bee Good. I've seen them at events before, but for some reason have never had the chance to properly speak to them. I really enjoyed learning about how each skincare product was made from bee honey and bee wax. I'm actually going to buy one of their products i think because after trying them out on the day, i really liked how they felt on my hand, and the fact that they're all natural too is a big bonus for me!

I was really intrigued by Heaven Skincare. This was the last product stall i went to, and it was so interesting finding out about the brand. The creator Deborah who i spoke to was so lovely and to hear that they have a face mask made out of bees venom that has an instant anti-ageing effect sounds incredible. Thankfully Deborah gave me one of these masks to try and i'm really looking forward to see what effect it has on my skin! If you want to try the mask you can buy it HERE. While looking at my skin too, she said it was flawless, so i was quite pleased with that too haha.

Isn't the Jewellery Box display just incredible! I was really looking forward to meeting Jewellery Box because they'd kindly just sent me a couple of products to review before the event. The social media manager who i spoke to on the day was a sweetie! It was interesting to hear about the products Jewellery Box sell and if you look on their website you'll see they offer a huge variety, ranging in price and in metals. They gave us a little box of jewellery on the day too, i got some dinosaur earrings which are super cute, but i don't know if i'll be able to wear because i'm allergic to anything that isn't gold and a bracelet with a lightning bolt and a cloud. My review of the jewellery i received before the event should be up next week.

These are just some of the brands that were there on the day. In total there was probably about 20 brands there, but above are just a few that i managed to take photos of and really enjoyed talking to.

The charity that everyone was raising money for by buying a raffle ticket is the Scoliosis Charity. I had a lovely chat with the woman (who's name i've forgotten - sorry!) I didn't really need to ask much about it as i suffer with Scoliosis myself, it was worse when i was younger but it's a lot better now. I also suffer from another back problem similar to Scoliosis. The woman knew all about my condition Ehlers Danlos, and it was a breath of fresh air to talk to someone who understood my conditions. On the day i think £120 was raised for the Scoliosis Charity which is amazing!

For me, this event was a major success and i'll definitely be going to another event organised by the LDNmeetup! Thank you Lauren, Abi & Jenny for organising the Big Blogger Conference! I had an amazing time, the event was well organised, there were some great brands there and i met some lovely bloggers. Well done girls!

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